During our recent Bible Conference, Dr. Houghton's messages all related to future events - the Rapture, Tribulation, Judgment Seat of Christ, and Millenial Kingdom.

Because end-time subjects take us beyond our present experience, they often raise questions, even in the minds of adults who have known the Lord for a long time. So, how do we explain them to children? The library is adding the last three book in the Children's Bible Basics series to its shelves, all of which deal with heaven and the future in a scriptural and very understandable manner.

"Angels and Me"
"What Happens When We Die?"
"When Jesus Comes Back"

In light of what the future hold for believers and unbelievers, Dr. Houghton also challenged us to share the gospel with others and to live our lives here on earth in the light of eternity. Three books being added to the library from the Christian Heroes series are about men who fulfilled both of these challenges.

"William Carey: Obliged to Go"
"Jonathan Goforth: An Open Door in China"
"Adoniram Judson: Bound for Burma"

Additional materials being added to the library in the weeks ahead include:

Be Series

"Be Successful" (I Samuel) Attaining Wealth That Money Can't Buy
"Be Right" (Romans) How to be Right with God, Yourself, and Others

Adventures in Odyssey Audio Series

"In Hot Pursuit"
"No Way Out"