Missionaries – Moises and Rosa Campos



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Moises & Rosa Campos – Spain
Moises and Rosa Campos

Gospel Furthering Fellowship

Birthdays Moises December 5
Rosa July 19
Irene September 15
Elisabet December 8
Anniversary June 4

Contact Information:

Moises & Rosa Campos
Illes Balears 11. 1-2
08211 Castellar des Valles
(Barcelona) Spain

Moises is a national pastor. They have two daughters. Please pray for them to rejoice with spiritual things, thirst for the Word of God, and have a strong faith.

  • Sunday: Moises preaches in both services

    Rosa and Elizabet and two other ladies take turns teaching the children in Sunday School.

  • Once a Month Sunday Evening they discuss a book the young people have been reading that month.
  • Monday: Home Bible Study with two ladies.
  • Tuesday: twice a month Rosa teaches Ladies Bible Study.
  • Wednesday: Prayer Service – Moises preaches.
  • Thursday: Bible study with a couple from the church.
  • Saturday: Activities with the young people in a church in Castellbisbal.
  • Tract Ministry: in Olot and surrounding towns once a week.
  • Counseling Ministry: They are meeting with people that are in need of special direction. Most of these meetings are in homes or in a cafeteria during the evening.
  • Camps: They work with the Pinyols and Kennys, and sometimes help at Camp Ebenezer or in their trips to a camp in Germany. In any of these camps they help in whatever way they can.

    • Easter Camp – It is a family camp. Moises sometimes preaches and Rosa helps in the kitchen.
    • Children’s Camp – (first week in July) – For children ages 6-13.
    • Youth Camp – (third week in July) – For ages 12-20.
    • Family Camp – (first week in August)
    • Youth Retreat – (first weekend in December)

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