- Part 1: What is Sin?
- Part 2: What Is the Sin Nature?
- Part 3: The General Terms for Sin
- Part 4: Why Do We Commit Sin?
- Part 5: Missing the Mark on Faith
- Part 6: Missing the Mark on Virtue
- Part 7: Missing the Mark on Knowledge
- Part 8-A: Missing the Mark on Temperence: Lust
- Part 8-B: Missing the Mark on Temperence: Materialism
- Part 8-C: Missing the Mark on Temperence: Sexuality
- Part 8-D: Missing the Mark on Temperence: Emotions
- Part 9: Missing the Mark on Patience
- Part 10: Missing the Mark on Godliness
- Part 11: Missing the Mark on Brotherly Kindness
- Part 12: Missing the Mark on Charity
- Part 13: The Consequences of Sin
From time to time, I found it appropriate while preaching to run through a list of sins so as to show the scope of behavior for which one is found guilty before God and for which Christ died. Try as I might to make the list long and inclusive, it never seemed adequate. So I set out to remedy this by acquainting myself with all the sins named in the New Testament letters.
After combing through the 121 chapters of Romans through Jude, I ended up with well over 800 distinct statements about sin. I roughly grouped the statements into major categories and then reexamined each one carefully, refining the grouping of terms. In doing so, I noticed a remarkable relationship between the major categories of sin and the list of things pertaining to life and godliness in II Peter 1:5-7. The two lists seemed to be exact opposites. This explains the titles for some of the chapters in this document. If sin is missing the mark, then being guilty of specific sins must mean you miss the mark in specific things pertaining to life and godliness. And so it does.
I preached a series of sixteen sermons on the subject of sin during Sunday evening services using the following matedal as a basis. Needless to say, there is much more than sixteen sermons’ worth of material included. However, this is by no means an exhaustive examination of sin in Scripture, because this study was based almost exclusively on the New Testament letters. There are a few references to Old Testament Scriptures where clarification is deemed appropriate. Otherwise, all Scripture references are from Romans through Jude.
Sometimes the word definitions include the Greek words from the original text. These words are spelled with the English alphabet to accommodate Bible students who are not familiar with the Greek language. The Strong’s Concordance numbers have been included also in nearly every case. All word definitions are based on the intent of the Greek words in combination with the English words used by the translators of the King James Version.
An attempt has been made to edit this document so that all English words are spelled correctly, all Greek words are represented accurately, all Strong’s numbers are copied correctly, and the format is consistent. There are no promises, however, that this is a perfect document. If you find errors, please inform me so that corrections can be made for future copies.
A special thanks goes to the North Hills Bible Church for allowing me to study the Word diligently and to compile and print documents like this one. Thanks also to all those who have helped in printing and collating the pages.
The greatest thanks of all goes to our Wonderful God who sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to redeem us from sin (Matthew 26:28; Romans 3:25; Ephesians 1:7). He has provided a wonderful solution to an overwhelming problem. Though we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), we can all be forgiven through Christ who satisfied God completely for the sins of all mankind (Romans 3:25; I John 2:2).
As you use this document to study God’s Word concerning sin, please pray that there would be a renewed consciousness of the seriousness of sin both in the world and in the Church. And pray that its remedy would be preached without reservation.
In Christ’s Fellowship,
David E. Moss
Part 1: What is Sin?
The subject of sin is a very large body of material in the Word of God.
General terms for sin include: evil, wickedness, ungodliness, unrighteousness, transgression, error, disobedience, iniquity, trespass, offense.
Sinners are characterized as: unholy, unclean, lawless, ungodly, profane, malicious, fierce, hardened, pernicious, filthy, evil, foolish, vain, carnal, silly, reprobate, abominable presumptuous, wanton, corrupt, blind, insincere, perverse, subverted, unstable, naughty, self-willed, contrary, unreasonable, disorderly, despiteful, proud, earthy sensual, devilish, brutish, etc.
Sin can be categorized under many different broad headings: communication, behavior, relationships, sexuality, worldliness, knowledge, religious, financial, etc.
There is also a detailed description of the consequences for sin. Destruction, misery, confusion, bondage, judgment, and death: to name just a few.
There is, of course, a solution for sin:
- Daniel 9:24 – The Messiah came to finish transgression and make an end of sins.
- Matthew 1:21 – He saved His people from their sins.
- I John 2:2 – He is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world.
Sin, today, however, is a neglected subject. Instead of taking it seriously, we are given to the euphemizing of sin.
We better keep the subject of sin alive, or the next generation will be totally void of understanding on the subject.
The Meaning of the Word sin
The word
- Old testament noun:
- Strong’s #02403 chattaah
- Old testament verb:
- Strong’s #02398 chata
- New testament noun:
- Strong’s #266 amartia
- New testament verb:
- Strong’s #264 amartano
The meaning: “miss”
- Judges 10:10
- (Strong’s #02398) we have sinned against thee
- Judges 20:16
- (Strong’s #02398) sling stones at an hair breadth and not miss
- Proverbs 19:2
- he that hasteth with his feet sinneth (that is, he misses his step and stumbles or falls down)
- Romans 3:23
- all have sinned and come short of the glory of God
The Results of Sinning
Deserving of punishment
- Numbers 5:6 commit sin… and are guilty
- James 2:10 offend in one point… guilty of all
- Romans 3:19:23 all are guilty before God because all have sinned
Condemned to be punished
Romans 5:16-19 by one that sinned… judgment was by one to condemnation
Regardless of intent
- There is a volitional aspect of sin – willfulness.
- There is a non-volitional aspect of sin – ignorance.
- Either way the mark is missed.
- Leviticus 4:13,22,27 ignorance brings guilt
- Leviticus 6:2-4 willfulness brings guilt
Isaiah 64:5-6 we have sinned; we are as an unclean thing, all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags
God’s illustration: when you touched certain things that were considered unclean, it contaminated you.
- Leviticus 5:2 become unclean
- Leviticus 7:20 and therefore is cut off
To be a sinner is to touch the unclean thing, to be contaminated by it, and, therefore, to be cut off from
fellowship.II Corinthians 6:17 touch not the unclean thing
An acquired nature
Guilt and uncleanness are passive states of being which result from the act of sinning. But sinners also have an active nature which was acquired through Adam.
Romans 5:19 by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners
The sin nature actively directs a person to sin.
Ephesians 2:2 walked according to the course of this world
Each individual bears responsibility for his own sin.
Isaiah 53:6 we have turned everyone to his own way
The problem of sin must be resolved, but man cannot resolve it himself.
Job 14:4 who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?
If a man washes himself with nitre and much soap, he is still dirty. (Jeremiah 2:22)
This is why man must be turned to God and the solution He offers.
Part 2: What Is the Sin Nature?
What is a nature?
Phusis = the essential qualities, or attributes which constitute what a thing is.
- II Peter 1:4 there is a divine nature
- James 3:7 there is a nature of beasts and a nature of man
What is the sin nature?
Ephesians 2:3 children of wrath
Orge = Strong’s #3709 – unrestrained destructive passion
- When applied to the wrath of God, orge refers to God unleashing his wrath to judge man. Revelation 6:16-17
When applied to the wrath of man, orge refers to an acquired nature contrary to God.
James 1:19-20 the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
Note: it is acquired because man did not have such a nature when he was created.
Genesis 1:31 God saw every thing that he had made and it was very good
God Created Man with an Innocent, Clean Nature
As it was in the beginning.
- Genesis 1:31 man was very good
- Genesis 3:2 man was naturally obedient to the Word of God: “We may…”
- Genesis 3:5 man did not know evil
A Different Nature was Acquired by Man in the Fall
Genesis 3:7 the eyes of both of them were open and they knew…
This different nature worked against the nature God had created.
Romans 1:26-27 against nature
It serves as an alternative nature.
Jude 10 what they know naturally as brute beasts
The Sin Nature Has Only Negative Characteristics
The old man.
- Romans 6:6 that which is crucified with Christ
- Ephesians 4:22 the former conversation, corrupt according to the deceitful lusts
- John 1:13 it has a will.
- Romans 13:14 it has lusts.
- II Corinthians 1:17 it influences decisions.
- Jude 23 it spots our garment (body).
- Romans 8:1-5 it is contrasted with the spirit.
- Romans 7:18 it is identified with the person and contains no good thing.
- Romans 7:25 it is the device by which I serve the law of sin.
The Motions of Sins
Romans 7:5
Ephesians 5:8
A Man Must Acknowledge Two Things Before God
He must acknowledge that he has committed sins.
- I John 1:10 if we say that we have not sinned
- Romans 3:23 all have sinned
- Romans 5:12 all have sinned
He must acknowledge that he has sin.
- I John 1:8 if we say that we have no sin
- Romans 6:12 sin reigns in the mortal body
- Romans 6:14 it has dominion over us
- Romans 6:20 we are servants of sin
- Romans 7:8 sin causes us to desire all manner of things
- Romans 7:11 it deceives us and kills us
- Romans 7:17 it dwells within us
- Romans 7:23 it has a law in our members
By Salvation Man is Freed from Service to His Sin Nature
- Romans 6:6 the old man is crucified.
- Romans 6:12 we can refuse to let sin reign within.
- Romans 6:17-18 we are made free from sin and made servants to righteousness.
- Romans 8:1-5 we walk after the spirit instead of after the flesh.
- Ephesians 2:3-10 we become the workmanship of Christ created unto good works.
Do Saved Persons Retain a Sin Nature?
Not every one thinks so.
John MacArthur’s Commentary on Ephesians, p. 164:
“Biblical terminology, then, does not say that a Christian has two different natures. HE HAS BUT ONE NATURE, the new nature in Christ. The old self dies and the new self lives; THEY DO NOT COEXIST. It is not a remaining old nature but the remaining garment of sinful flesh that cause Christians to sin. The Christian is a single new person, a totally new creation, not a
spiritual schizophrenic.” -
But the Bible teaches that a saved person does have two natures.
Paul’s testimony
Romans 7:16-20
Paul was a saved man, yet he said sin dwelled within him (verses 16-17): not just the remaining garment, but sin itself. He also identified himself with the flesh (verse 18) while at the same time making himself distinct from sin that dwelt in his flesh (verses 19-20). Spiritual schizophrenia may not be an appropriate term, but there is a clear spiritual dichotomy within the saved man.
Even though the old man was crucified with Christ, it still must be put off.
- Ephesians 4:20 ye have not so learned Christ
- Ephesians 4:22 ye put off the old man
We have the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 7:24-27
If we do not resist the sin nature in the Christian life we will be carnal instead of spiritual. I Corinthians 3:1
If we do resist the sin nature in the Christian life we will have our fruit unto holiness. Romans 6:22
Part 3: The General Terms for Sin
Sin is the most negative word in human vocabulary.
Proverbs 14:34 Sin is a reproach to any people.
It is so terrible that it makes man repulsive in the eyes of God.
Isaiah 1:4, 11-15 I will hide my eyes from you, I will not hear.
It is so destructive that the commission of one sin brought condemnation upon the entire human race.
- Romans 5:12ff
- Romans 6:23
It is such a powerful force that only the power of God Himself could break its hold on mankind.
Hebrews 9:11-15; 10:1-10
It is for these reasons that we ought to understand the complex nature of this force which rages within us. The general terms for sin reveal the true nature of sin.
Sin Involves the Condition of a Person’s Heart
Note: This is a person’s core beliefs, philosophy of life, etc.
- Proverbs 23:7 as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.
- Matthew 15:18-20 things which come from the heart defile a man.
Evil = having bad qualities. Strong’s #2556
Kakos is used 51 times and translated “evil” 45 times.
- Romans 12:21 evil verses good
- Hebrews 5:14 evil verses good
- Romans 14:20 opposite of pure
Wicked = in principle and practice, everything that is contrary to moral law. Strong’s #4190
Poneros and poneria are used a total of 85 times. They are translated “wicked” 26 times and “evil” 53 times.
- Matthew 13:49 wicked are opposite of the just
- Colossians 1:21 alienated and enemies in your mind
Ungodly = irreverent disregard for divine order. Strong’s #765, 763, 764
Asebes, asebeia, and asebeo are used a total of 17 times. They are always translated “ungodly”. These terms are the opposite of sebomai meaning reverence.
- Titus 2:12 ungodliness and worldly lusts
- Jude 18 ungodly lusts
Sin Involves the Act of a Person’s Will
Note: This is either a person’s active choice, or passive submission to the will of other influences.
- James 4:17 to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not…
- II Kings 17:21 Jeroboam drave Israel from following the Lord and made them sin…
Unrighteousness = to do the opposite of divine law. Strong’s #94, 93
Adikos and adikia are used a total of 36 times. They are translated “unrighteousness” 20 times and “unjust” 9 times.
- Romans 2:8 truth verses righteousness
- II Thess. 2:10-12 love of the truth verses pleasure in unrighteousness
Transgression = to go beyond the limits of the law. Strong’s #3847, 3845
Parabasis and parabaino are used 11 times and are translated “transgression” 10 times.
- Romans 4:15 where there are no limits established, there can be no violation determined
- Matthew 15:2 why do your disciples transgress the tradition?
Error = failure to do right because you have been convinced to pursue what is wrong. Strong’s #4108
Planos, plane, and planao are used a total of 53 times. They are translated “err” or “error” 13 times, some form of “go astray” 7 times, and some form of “deception” 30 times.
- James 1:14-16 drawn away by lust
- II Peter 3:17 being led away with the error of the wicked
Disobedience = failure to do what should be done (omission). Strong’s #545, 543, 544
Apeithes, apeitheia, and apeitho are used 29 times. They are translated “disobey” 16 times and “unbelief” 13 times.
- I Peter 2:7 the disobedient fail to believe the gospel
- I Peter 4:17 what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel
Note: The failure to actively believe the gospel even by passively ignoring it leaves you outside Of the gospel.
Iniquity = absence of law, having no law, hence leaving one to do as he pleases. Strong’s #459
Anomos, anomia, and anomos are used 28 times. They are translated “iniquity” 13 times, “without law” 6 times, as well as lawless, unlawful, transgression, unrighteous, wicked.
- Matthew 23:28 outwardly righteous
- I Corinthians 9:21 without law
- I Timothy 1:9 lawless
Sin Involves Personal Failure
Note: This is both part of the nature of sin and consequences of the deeds of sin.
- Isaiah 6:5 I am a man of unclean lips
- I Timothy 1:15 sinners of whom I am chief
Trespass/offend = to fall down, stumble, be guilty of a fault. Strong’s #3900
Paraptoma is used 23 times. It is translated “trespass” 9 times and “offense” 7 times.
- Matthew 6:14-15 their own trespasses
- Ephesians 2:1 dead in trespasses and sins
Offenses = to cause someone else to fall, stumble, or be offended. Strong’s #4625
Skandolon and skandolizo are used 45 times. They are translated “offense” 40 times. They are also translated as “stumbling block”, “occasion of stumbling” and “occasion to fall”.
- Luke 17:1 offenses will come, but woe to him by whom they come
- Romans 14:13 a stumbling block or occasion to fall in his brother’s way
Christ has provided a solution for each of these!
Our heart is purified.
- Hebrews 10:22 having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience
- I Peter 1:22 purified your souls in obeying the truth
Our will is sanctified.
- I Peter 4:1-2 no longer live in the flesh — but to the will of God
- Hebrews 13:21 make you perfect to do His will
Our failures are forgiven and we are given victory.
- Romans 7:24-25 Jesus Christ delivers us
- I Corinthians 15:57 Jesus Christ gives us the victory
Part 4: Why Do We Commit Sin?
Sin is an action verb.
It is something a person does.
- I John 3:4,8 whosoever committeth sins
- I Corinthians 6:8 ye do wrong
- I Peter 4:3 wrought the will of the gentiles
It is something a person indulges in.
- Romans 1:26-27 the natural use verses the unnatural use
- I Corinthians 7:1 not to touch
- II Corinthians 6:17 touch not the unclean thing
- Colossians 2:21 touch not, taste not, handle not
- James 4:3 consume it upon your lusts
- I Thess. 2:16 fill up their sins
The sin nature says, “Run, do not walk, to the nearest outlet of sinful activities.” But why do we listen? Why do we do what the sin nature tells us to do?
Sin Begins with the Disposition of a Man’s Heart
Disposition = a prevailing tendency. The tendency of something to act in a certain manner under given circumstances.
Jeremiah 17:9 the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked
The condition is hardness and impenitence.
Romans 2:5 after thy hardness and impenitent heart
The device is self-deceit.
It is amazing how a growl in the heart can be interpreted as a purr in one’s own ears.
- James 1:26 deceiveth his own heart
- Galatians 6:3 think himself to be something when he is nothing deceiveth himself
- I Corinthians 3:18 let no man deceive himself
- I John 1:8 if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves
Indulgence is the objective.
- James 5:5 lived in pleasure, been wanton, nourished your hearts
- II Peter 2:13,14 sporting themselves, an heart exercised with covetous practices
- Jude 12 feeding themselves without fear
Isolation is the goal (not unity).
Jude 19 these be they who separate themselves
Self destruction is the real result (not lasting pleasure).
II Timothy 2:25 those that oppose themselves
Sin is Encouraged by the Affection of a Man’s Life
Affection = that to which a person become attached by feeling.
- Romans 1:26 vile affections
- Colossians 3:2 set your affection… not on things on the earth
Lust is a controlling factor.
- Romans 1:26 vile affections
- Galatians 5:24 affections and lusts are part of the flesh
- Ephesians 2:3 they want to be fulfilled
- James 4:2 lust drives the human being to desperation
- II Timothy 4:3 lust drives people out of the church
It leads to a wrong definition of pleasure.
II Peter 2:13 count it pleasure to riot in the day time
It leads to a wrong definition of reward.
II Peter 2:15 love the wages of unrighteousness
It leads to a wrong set of values.
- James 4:16 rejoicing in boastings
- I Corinthians 13:6 rejoicing in iniquity
Sin is Committed Because of the Yielding of the Will
Instead of trust and obey, the sin nature says “yield and obey”.
Romans 6:12,16-17 to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are
The submission of the will is a significant factor which leads to sin.
- II Corinthians 11:4 bear with
- Ephesians 4:27 give place to
- I Timothy 1:4 give heed
- I Timothy 3:3,8 be given to
- I Timothy 5:14 give occasion to
- II Peter 2:2 follow
- II Peter 3:17 be led away
- I John 4:1 believe
- Jude 7 give themselves over unto
- James 1:14 to be tempted is to be drawn away — by your own lust to which you yield
Sin Reveals the Direction of a Man’s Life
There are only two possible directions to go: toward and froward (away from). Sin is going in the wrong direction.
- Galatians 2:18 build again the things I destroyed.
- Galatians 4:9 turn again to the weak and beggarly elements
- Colossians 1:23 moved away from hope
- I Timothy 1:6 swerved and turned aside
- I Timothy 1:19 put away concerning faith
- I Timothy 5:13 wander about from house to house
- I Timothy 5:15 turned aside
- II Peter 2:15 forsaken the right way
- James 1:6,8 wavering happens when you try to go two directions at the same time.
Indulging in Sin Leaves Righteousness Undone!
The appearance of inactivity is actually a deceptive one. If a person fails to buy truth it is because he has spent all his resources on sin and has nothing left to buy with.
- Galatians 2:4 walked not uprightly
- II Thess. 3:10 would not work
- Hebrews 13:16 potential of forgetting
- James 1:23 a hearer but not a doer
- I John 3:10 keep not
- I John 2:4 continue not
You cannot simply commit sin and walk away from it. In committing sin you become a servant of sin.
- Romans 6:6
- Galatians 5:1 be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage
- II Peter 2:20 again entangled therein and overcome
Sin only gets worse and worse.
- II Timothy 3:13 evil men and seducers wax worse and worse
- I Peter 4:4 excess of riot
So that we are not overcome by sin we must:
- Set our heart on the things of the LORD.
- Set our affection on things above.
- Yield our will to God’s will.
Then and only then will the direction of our lives be toward God and wrong will be left undone because we have spent all our resources on truth.
Part 5: Missing the Mark on Faith
Faith is the basic spiritual commodity of the human experience. Everyone believes something, although for some their strongest beliefs concern what they do not believe.
Consequently, the Bible separates people on the basis of whether or not they believe the truth of God.
There are believers.
- Acts 5:14 believers were the more added to the Lord
- I Timothy 4:12 be thou an example of the believers
There are unbelievers.
- Romans 3:3 for what if some did not believe?
- Rom. 11:20,30,31 because of unbelief they were broken off
- I Corinthians 6:6 brother goeth to law with brother, and that before unbelievers
- II Corinthians 6:14 be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers
- I Timothy 1:13 I did it ignorantly in unbelief
- Hebrews 4:6 entered not in because of unbelief
Unbelievers are obviously guilty of sin regarding matters of faith.
Romans 14:23 whatsoever is not of faith is sin
Unfortunately, believers are also capable of sinning in matters of faith.
Sins Regarding Faith on the Part of Unbelievers
In their relationship with God.
- Acts 17:33 inscription “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD”
- I Corinthians 1:21 the world by wisdom knew not God
- Galatians 4:8 when ye knew not God
- I Thess. 4:5 even as the Gentiles which knew not God
- II Thess. 1:8 taking vengeance on them that know not God
They deny Jesus Christ
Jude 1:4 denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ
They deny that Jesus is the Christ.
I John 2:22 denieth that Jesus is the Christ
They deny the Father and the Son.
I John 2:22 denieth the Father
They deny the Son.
I John 2:23 denieth the son
In works they deny him even though they profess to know him.
Titus 1:16 in works they deny him
- Romans 1:21 knew God but glorified him not as God
- I Thess. 2:15 killed the Lord Jesus… and they please not God
- II Thess. 3:2 have not faith
- II Thess. 1:8 obey not the gospel
- II Peter 4:17 obey not the gospel
- Hebrews 4:2 not mixed with faith
- James 2:14 say he have faith and have not works
- I Timothy 4:1 depart from the faith
In turning to false religions.
- Romans 1:23 changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image — idolatry
- I Corinthians 12:2 carried away unto dumb idols
- I Corinthians 10:20 making sacrifices to devils
- I Corinthians 10:14 flee idolatry
- Galatians 5:20 idolatry
- Colossians 3:5 covetousness which is idolatry
- I Peter 4:3 abominable idolatries
Galatians 5:20 witchcraft
Fellowship with devils
I Corinthians 10:20 I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils
Service to no gods
Galatians 4:8 did service unto them which by nature are no gods
Worshiping of angels
Colossians 2:18 a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels
Romans 2:22 dost thou commit sacrilege
Seducing spirits
I Timothy 4:1 giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils
In seeking to destroy the truth.
By infiltration.
- II Timothy 2:18 overthrow the faith of some
- Galatians 2:4 false brethren unawares brought in
- II Peter 2:1 false teachers privily brought in
- II Peter 2:1 false prophets privily brought in
- II Corinthians 11:13 false apostles deceitful workers
By counterfeiting the truth.
Counterfeiting the doctrine of Christ.
- II John 1:7 confess not that Jesus is come in the flesh
- II John 1:9 abide not in the doctrine of Christ
- II John 1:10 bring no this doctrine
Counterfeiting the Gospel.
- II Corinthians 11:4 another gospel
- Galatians 1:6 another gospel
- Galatians 1:7 perverting the gospel
- Hebrews 10:29 count the blood… an unholy thing
Other false doctrines.
- Colossians 2:22 doctrines of men
- I Timothy 4:1 doctrines of devils
- I Corinthians 11:19 heresy
- Galatians 5:20 heresies
- II Peter 2:1 who privily shall bring in damnable heresies
- Titus 3:10 a man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition
By concision.
Philippians 3:2 beware of the concision
By Bondage.
- II Corinthians 11:20 ye suffer if a man bring you into bondage
- Galatians 2:4 that they might bring us into bondage
- II Peter 2:19 for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage
Sins Regarding Faith on the Part of Believers
In their relationship with God.
Colossians 2:19 not hold the head
I Thess. 5:19 quench
- I Corinthians 10:9 neither let us tempt Christ
- Hebrews 3:9 harden not your hearts as in the day of provocation… when your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years.
- Ephesians 4:30 grieve
- Hebrews 10:29 trod under foot and do despite to
Turning away from.
- Hebrews 3:12 depart from the living God
- II Peter 2:1-2 deny the Lord that bought them
Lapses of faith
- Romans 14:23 whatsoever is not of faith is sin
- I Timothy 5:8 deny the faith by failing to provide for his own
- I Timothy 5:12 cast off their first faith
- I Timothy 6:10 err form the faith
- II Timothy 2:13 we believe not but He cannot deny himself
In erroneous religious practices brought into Christianity.
- Romans 14:5 esteem one day above another
- Galatians 4:9-11 observe days, months, times, years
- Colossians 2:16 meat, drink, holyday, new moon, Sabbath days
- Colossians 2:20 subject to ordinances
- Hebrews 13:9 heart established with meats
- Hebrews 13:10 serve the tabernacle
False piety.
- Colossians 2:18 appearance of mortification
- Colossians 2:23 exaggeration of self-humiliation
- I Timothy 4:3 forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats
II Timothy 3:5 form of godliness
Hebrews 10:25 forsaking the assembling
Failure to be cautious
I Timothy 5:22 laying hands on suddenly and partaking of other men’s sins
In listening to false doctrine.
Opening the door and receiving it into your house.
II John 10 receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed
Bearing with those who preach false doctrine.
II Corinthians 11:3-4 bear with: allowing for the possibility that they might be right
Not enduring sound doctrine.
II Timothy 4:3 the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine
Removing from the truth.
- II Timothy 4:4 turn away their ears from the truth
- Galatians 1:6 removed from him who called you
What it takes for believers to overcome sin regarding matters of faith. II Timothy 1:12-13
We must maintain a clear understanding of God.
“I know whom I have believed.”
We must maintain a clear understanding of what our relationship with God is based upon.
“He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him.”
We must maintain a clear understanding of sound doctrine.
“Hold fast the form of sound words.”
Part 6: Missing the Mark on Virtue
Virtue = the practice of moral goodness and the abstaining from vice. Virtue is a commitment to excellence in the eyes of God.
II Peter 1:5 tells us that once we have settled the matter of faith in our lives, we are to add to it a commitment to excellence, or virtue (otherwise described in the New Testament as sanctification.
Values = a rating system by which we determine the usefulness, importance or general worth of a thing. II Timothy 2:20-21 explains that if we value and devalue things appropriately, our lives will be sanctified.
Missing the mark on virtue is therefore determined by our values, that is, how we rate the worth or importance of things. Our values either produce virtue or worldliness, depending on what we consider to be valuable, useful or important.
The Influence of the World in Determining Our Values
Believers must live in the world, but guard against being conformed to the world.
- I Corinthians 5:10 for then must ye needs go out of the world
- Romans 12:1-2 be not conformed to this world
- James 4:4 friendship with the world is enmity with God
The world is corrupt.
- II Peter 1:4 corruption that is in the world
- I John 5:19 the whole world lieth in wickedness
The world has corrupt agents of influence.
There is a spirit of the world which is disconnected from the things of God.
- I Corinthians 2:12 we have not received the spirit of the world
- I Corinthians 2:14 the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God
There is a course of this world which is typically followed by lost people.
Ephesians 2:2 in time past ye walked according to the course of this world
There is a wisdom of this world which is foolishness in the eyes of God.
- I Corinthians 1:20 God made foolish the wisdom of this world
- I Corinthians 2:6 yet not the wisdom of this world
- I Corinthians 3:19 the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God
There are elements of this world which keep us in bondage until we are redeemed.
Galatians 4:3 were in bondage under the elements of this world
There are rudiments of this world which are the principles by which it provides an understanding of life.
- Colossians 2:8 philosophy and vain deceit, the traditions of men, the rudiments of the world
Note: An example of rudiments of the world.
Who am I?
Worldly rudiment: Man is just one species of animal among many.
Where did I come from?
Worldly rudiment: Man evolved.
Why am I here?
Worldly rudiment: Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.
Where am I going?
Worldly rudiment: The grave is the end.
The effect of these agents of influence.
They entangle rather than liberate.
II Timothy 2:4 a good soldier does not entangle himself with the affairs of this life
This entanglement pollutes the life.
II Peter 2:20 entangled again with what is described as “the pollutions of the world”
The World Encourages Values Related to Pleasure Sensations
Pleasure as a priority.
- II Timothy 3:4 lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God
- II Timothy 4:10 having loved this present world
- Colossians 3:2 setting affection on things on the earth
- I John 2:15 loving the world and the things that are in the world
Types of pleasure sensations encouraged by the world.
James 5:5 (Said to the rich) “ye have lived in pleasure on earth”
Philippians 3:19 whose God is their belly
Romans 1:32 do the same… have pleasure in them that do them
Titus 2:12 worldly lusts
II Peter 2:13 count it pleasure to riot in the day time
II Thess. 2:12 had pleasure in unrighteousness
Sin for a season
Hebrews 11:25 to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season
The World Encourages Values Related to Human Inventions
Humans do invent things.
- They invent evil things. Romans 1:30
- They establish their own righteousness. Romans 10:3
- They invent philosophies and traditions of men. Colossians 2:8
- They invent commandments of men. Titus 1:14
The types of things humans invent.
- Things which are not convenient. Romans 1:28
- Intruding into things he has not seen. Colossians 2:18
- Lifestyle regulations which are against God’s laws such as forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats. I Timothy 4:3
- Gain is godliness. I Timothy 6:5
- Walk after the flesh. II Peter 2:10
- Continue not in all things in the law. Galatians 3:10
Rating things that pertain to this world as being high in value leads to the opposite of virtue. Besides, such values are short term and far inferior to values of righteousness which lead to virtue. Rating things that pertain to God as being high in value leads to virtue.
By rating righteous and godly things as being high in value a person is able to compile a list of values, that is a list of do’s and don’t’s as the standards by which he lives and maintains virtue in his life. This is not being legalistic because it is not the means by which he strives to obtain God’s favor for salvation. It is, instead, being sanctified because it is the means by which he strives to glorify God in his life.
What does your list of values consist of?
Part 7: Missing the Mark on Knowledge
Faith is the starting point. It is that which connects us to God.
Virtue is the next step. A commitment to excellence guarantees that we will settle for nothing less than that which pleases God in all other areas of our lives.
Knowledge comes next.
Romans 15:4 Whatsoever was written aforetime was written for our learning
Ignorance is the most destabilizing force in a believer’s life. Ignorance is even more destructive in the life of an unbeliever.
We will identify three types of ignorance:
- Type one relates to unbelievers who remain outside of the context of Christianity.
- Type two relates to those who pretend to be believers but who are probably unbeliever who infiltrate the church.
- Type three relates to believers.
Type One Ignorance
The mind that is guilty of this kind of ignorance is:
- Reprobate. Romans 1:28
- Vain. Romans 1:21, Ephesians 4:17
- Carnal. Romans 8:6, Colossians 2:18
- Darkened. Ephesians 4:18
- Corrupt. I Timothy 6:5, II Timothy 3:8
- Defiled. Titus 1:15
- They have an evil conscience, a conscience of sins. Hebrews 10:2,22
This type of ignorance is defined in I Corinthians 15:34. “Some have not the knowledge of God.”
- I Corinthians 1:21 the world by wisdom knew not God
- I Thessalonians 4:5 the Gentiles knew not God
- Galatians 4:8 when ye knew not God
This type of ignorance has the potential of producing a hardness.
- Romans 2:5 after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath…
- Romans 11:8 eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear
- I Corinthians 14:21 yet for all that they will not hear me
This type of ignorance ultimately leads to an absolute rejection of truth.
- Romans 1:28 did not like to retain God in their knowledge
- I John 5:10 make God a liar by believing not his record
- II Thess. 2:10 receive not the love of the truth
Note: To say that a man does not know God is not to say that he might never have heard about God. Instead, it is to say that he rejects the claims of God and has no interest in becoming personally acquainted with God.
- Romans 1:31 they are without understanding
- I Cor. 14:16,23,24 unlearned
- I Peter 2:8 stumble at the word
- I John 2:11 knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes
- I John 4:6 he that is not of God heareth not us
This type of ignorance is the reason for ungodly behavior.
- I Peter 1:14 ignorance is the cause of lusts in the unsaved condition
- Romans 8:5 mind the things of the flesh
- II Peter 2:14 eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin
- Jude 8 filthy dreamers
Type Two Ignorance
The mind that is guilty of this kind of ignorance is:
- Carnal – I Corinthians 3:3
- Deceived – I Corinthians 3:18
- Minding earthly things – Philippians 3:19
This type of ignorance is defined in Titus 1:16 and I Timothy 1:5-7.
- Titus 1:16 professing that they know God
- I Timothy 1:5-7 but not understanding what they say
- Romans 2:20 a form of knowledge
- Romans 10:2 a zeal of God but not according to knowledge
- Colossians 2:23 a show of wisdom
- I Timothy 6:5 destitute of the truth
- II Timothy 3:7 ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth
- Hebrews 3:10 they have not known my ways
- II Peter 2:12 speak evil of things that they understand not
- Jude 10 speak evil of things which they know not
This type of ignorance causes argumentativeness.
- I Timothy 6:4-5 doting about questions and strifes of words; evil surmisings; perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds
- II Timothy 2:14 striving about words to no profit
- II Timothy 2:23 foolish and unlearned questions
- Titus 3:9 foolish questions, contentions and strivings about the law
- Romans 14:1 doubtful disputations
- II Peter 3:16 wrest the scriptures unto their own destruction
Note: Is there anything such as a bad question?
Yes. A question that is asked without a teachable spirit, but with the desire to create arguments, strife and division is a bad question.
This type of ignorance causes a person to turn away from truth.
- I Timothy 6:3 consent not to wholesome words
- II Timothy 3:8 resist the truth
- II Timothy 4:3-4 they will not endure sound doctrine having itching ears will turn away their ears from the truth
- I John 2:19 they went out from us because they were not of us
This type of ignorance causes a person to turn toward heresy.
II Peter 2:1-2 damnable heresies which many shall follow
- Fables – I Timothy 1:4, 4:7; II Timothy 4:4; Titus 1:14; II Pet. 1:16
- Genealogies – I Timothy 1:4; Titus 3:9
- Oppositions of Science – I Timothy 6:20
- Diverse and strange doctrines – Hebrews 13:9
- Other doctrines – I Timothy 1:3
- Winds of doctrine – Ephesians 4:14
- Contrary to sound doctrine – I Timothy 1:10
- Pervert the gospel – Galatians 1:7
- Wisdom of words – I Corinthians 1:7
- Believing every spirit – I John 4:1
- Serving in the oldness of the letter – Romans 7:6
Type Three Ignorance
The mind of the believer that is guilty of this kind of ignorance is:
Carnal – I Corinthians 3:3
This type of ignorance is defined in Hebrews 5:11-12
Hebrews 5:11-12 ye have need that one teach you again, because you have become dull of hearing.
Note: The things that were written aforetime are either unlearned (Romans 15:4) or forgotten (II Peter 1:9).
- James 1:22 hearers of the word only
- James 4:17 knoweth to do good and doeth it not
- II Corinthians 10:5 imaginations have exalted themselves against the knowledge of Christ
This type of ignorance causes instability.
- Ephesians 4:14 tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine
- James 1:6 he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea
- James 1:8 a double minded man is unstable in all his ways
This kind of ignorance causes irresponsible behavior, or looks for it in others
- Romans 12:16 mind high things
- I Corinthians 13:5 think evil
- II Corinthians 1:17 use lightness and purpose according to the flesh
- James 2:4 judge evil thoughts
- II Peter 2:8 see and hear unlawful deeds
This type of ignorance can lead a true believer to bear with heresy.
- II Corinthians 11:4 bearing with those who preach another Jesus, another spirit, another gospel
- Galatians 5:10 otherwise minded
- Philippians 3:15 if in anything ye be otherwise minded
- James 3:14 lie against the truth
- James 5:19 err from the truth
Ignorance is dispelled by knowledge.
- I Timothy 2:4 God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
- II Peter 3:18 God wants all believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ignorance is dispelled by submitting to the will of God.
I Peter 2:15 with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men
It is sinful to be ignorant and not know the things that God has prepared for us. In fact, there ought to be a passion for the knowledge of these things. – Philippians 3:8-10
Part 8-A: Missing the Mark on Temperence: Lust
Temperance = the strength to contain lust
egkrates, egkrateia, and egkrateuomai are used seven times in the New Testament. – Strong’s # 1468, 1466, 1467
Six times it is translated “temperance” or “temperate”. (Acts 24:25; I Corinthians 9:25; Galatians 5:23; Titus 1:8; II Peter 1:6 twice)
One time it is translated “contain”. (I Corinthians 7:9)
Lust = the desire not to stay within prescribed limits.
The Law defined lust for mankind.
- Romans 7:7 The Law sets the limit by saying, “Thou shalt not covet”.
The Law says a person is to contain his desire within the sphere of his own possessions.
Lust says, “I am not content with what I have.”
Lust says, “I want to go beyond the limits of what I have.” - James 4:2 Lust is a desire to have.
- James 1:14-15 Temptation is the opportunity to go beyond the prescribed limits.
If a person does not desire a particular thing, he does not indulge even if opportunity arises.
Temptation is only effective if a person first has the desire to indulge.
The conception of lust is the yielding to desire and going beyond the prescribed limits when opportunity arises.
Where Does Lust Come From?
It is associated with the unsaved condition.
- Romans 6:12M sin… reign… that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof
- I Thessalonians 4:5 the lust of concupiscence as the Gentiles which know not God
- I Peter 1:14 former lusts in your ignorance
- I Peter 4:3 the will of the Gentiles, walking in lusts
In the believer’s life, it is associated with our former condition.
- Ephesians 2:3 our conversation in times past
- Titus 3:3 were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived
- I Peter 1:14 according to the former ignorance
- I Peter 4:3 the time past of our life
But it is a personal thing.
- Romans 1:24 lusts of their own hearts
- II Timothy 4:3 after their own lusts
- James 1:14 drawn away of his own lust
- James 4:1 the lusts that war in your members
- James 4:3 consume it upon your lusts
- II Peter 3:3 walking after their own lusts
- Jude 16 walking after their own lusts
There are Many Different Kinds of Lust
- II Timothy 3:6 led away with divers lusts
- Titus 3:3 serving diverse lusts and pleasures
Lusts of the flesh
- Romans 13:14 make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof
- Galatians 5:16 ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh
- Galatians 5:24 the flesh with the affections and lusts
- Ephesians 2:3 lusts of our flesh… fulfilling the desires of the flesh
- I Peter 2:11 abstain from fleshly lusts
- II Peter 2:18 allure through the lusts of the flesh
- I John 2:16 lust of the flesh
- Lusts of their own heart – Romans 1:24
- Lusts of sin – Romans 6:12 – sin… the lusts thereof
- Lust of concupiscence – I Thessalonians 4:5
- Lusts of men – I Peter 4:2
- Lust of uncleanness – II Peter 2:10
- Lust of the eyes – I John 2:16
- Deceitful lusts – Ephesians 4:22
- Foolish and Hurtful lusts – I Timothy 6:9
- Youthful lusts – II Timothy 2:22
- Worldly lusts – Titus 2:12
- Former lusts – I Peter 1:14
- Ungodly lusts – Jude 18
- Lust toward one another – Romans 1:27
- Lust after evil things – I Corinthians 10:6
- Lust to envy – James 4:5
The Consequences of Lust
Inner conflict
- Galatians 5:17 the flesh lusteth against the spirit
- James 4:1 war in your members
- I Peter 2:11 war against your soul
- Romans 7:15-20 what I would not I do
Personal turmoil
- Romans 1:27 burn… receiving in themselves that recompense of their error
- I Timothy 3:6 drown men in destruction and perdition
- Titus 3:3 living in malice, envy, hate
- Ephesians 4:22 corrupt according to the deceitful lusts
- II Peter 1:4 corruption that is in the world through lust
- I John 2:17 the world passeth away, and the lust thereof
The Solution for Lust
For all men
Galatians 5:24 Christ crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts
The need for a solution in a believer’s life.
- II Peter 1:4 having escaped the corruption
- II Peter 2:18 yet — allured with great swelling words of vanity
- II Timothy 3:6 yet — led away with
A defensive solution for lust in the believer’s life.
- Romans 6:12 let not sin reign (we have a choice)
- Romans 13:14 make not provision for the flesh
- II Timothy 2:22 flee
- Titus 2:12 deny
- I Peter 2:11 abstain
- Ephesians 4:22 put off concerning the former conversation
- I Peter 1:14 not fashioning ourselves according to the former
- I Peter 4:3 let the past be sufficient
An offensive solution for lust in the believer’s life.
- Galatians 5:16 walk in the spirit
- I Corinthians 10:16 follow examples
- II Timothy 4:3 endure sound doctrine
- I John 2:17 do the will of God
There are many kinds of lusts and thus many things to be contained in our lives. Some of these things are very specific and others fit into large categories of which we will observe three in the following pages: financial, sexual, and emotional. The most important thing to remember is that Christ crucified these old lusts. The next most important thing to know is that temperance, the device by which we contain lust, is a fruit of the Spirit. We are not left on our own to do this immense task. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Part 8-B: Missing the Mark on Temperence: Materialism
I Timothy 6:7-8 tells us that at birth we have absolutely no material possessions and at death we return to that same condition since we can take nothing with us. In between these two events, birth and death, it is necessary for us to make use of certain material things as we live and function on earth and in society, such as food, clothing, shelter, furniture (e.g. a bed), and tools.
During their brief sojourning on earth, many human beings develop false philosophies about
- The importance of material things.
- The possession of material things.
- The use of material things.
Much of this focuses on money because money has become the measure by which mankind determines the value of all material things.
Materialism Begins with a Desire to Measure One’s Life by How Much One Possesses
- Luke 12:15 a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things which he possesses.
- I Timothy 6:9 they that will be rich
The love of money is the root of all evil. – I Timothy 6:10
This does not necessarily mean that you can trace all evil to the love of money. But when you begin with the love of money, it leads to every imaginable form of evil.
Greed makes money dirty.
- Money, in and of itself, is a neutral item, a means of exchange among men. Greed is an obsessive desire to possess money (or material things) which lead to questionable means of obtaining it. This makes money dirty.
- I Timothy 3:3 Church leaders are not to be greedy of filthy lucre
- I Timothy 3:8 Church leaders are not to be greedy of filthy lucre
- Titus 1:7 Church leaders are not to be greedy of filthy lucre
- I Peter 5:2 Church leaders are not to be greedy of filthy lucre
- Titus 1:11 because being greedy of filthy lucre is characteristic of false teachers.
Covetousness takes on religious characteristics.
Colossians 3:5 covetousness which is idolatry
Covetousness is characteristic of the unsaved.
- Romans 1:29
- I Corinthians 5:10
- Ephesians 5:5 no covetous man… hath inheritance in the kingdom of Christ
- Colossians 3:5
- II Peter 2:14
Covetousness is characteristic of false teachers.
- II Peter 2:3 through covetousness… make merchandise of you
- I Thess. 2:5 but Paul did not use a cloak of covetousness
Covetousness is characteristic of the conditions of perilous times. – I Timothy 3:2
God made a statutory law against covetousness.
- Romans 7:7 Thou shalt not covet.
- Romans 13:9 Thou shalt not covet.
Yet believers are capable of it.
- I Corinthians 5:11 if any that is called a brother be covetous
- II Corinthians 9:5
- Ephesians 5:3
- I Timothy 6:10
It is to be eliminated from the believer’s life.
- Ephesians 5:3 let it not be named once among you
- I Timothy 3:3 Elders are not to be characterized by it
- Hebrews 13:5
There are serious consequences from loving money.
I Timothy 6:9 temptation, snare; foolish and hurtful lusts; drown men in destruction and perdition
A person develops trust in material wealth which is UNCERTAIN!
I Timothy 6:17 trust in uncertain riches
Accumulation of wealth is accompanied by a multitude of problems.
James 5:1-5 weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you…
An Obsessive Desire to Possess Material Things Leads to Sinful Means of Obtaining Them
II Peter 2:3 through covetousness make merchandise of you.
Stealing: to carry away some one else’s property without their consent.
- Romans 2:21
- Romans 13:9 thou shalt not steal
- Ephesians 4:28 let him that stole steal no more
- I Corinthians 6:10 thieves
- I Peter 4:15 thief
- II Corinthians 11:26 robbers
Extortion: to seize by force, an oppressive form of theft
- I Cor. 5:10,11 unbelievers and believers
- I Corinthians 6:10
Purloining: to embezzle, especially from an employer
Titus 2:9-10 servants be obedient to your masters… not purloining
The Way of Balaam: taking money for suggesting or doing wrong things.
- II Peter 2:15 loved the wages of unrighteousness
- Jude 11 ran greedily for reward
Another Form of Financial Sins Concerns Withholding What Should Be Given or Paid
Owe (debt)
- Romans 13:8 owe no man anything
- Philemon 18-19 if he owe… I will repay
Provide not
I Timothy 5:8 if any provide not for his own…
Fraud: withholding wage that have been earned
James 5:4 the hire of laborers… kept back by fraud
Withholding benevolence
- I John 3:17 shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him
- II Corinthians 9:1-5 lest our boasting of you should be in vain; find you unprepared; as of covetousness
Sowing sparingly
II Corinthians 9:6 he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly
Material things should not measure a man’s worth, but meet a man’s needs. A man’s value is determined not by what he possesses but by what he becomes.
When a man becomes what he ought to be in Christ he will understand the proper use of material things.
- I Timothy 6:6 godliness with contentment
- Philippians I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content
Therefore, developing godly character is the best defense against developing materialism.
Part 8-C: Missing the Mark on Temperence: Sexuality
The Bible uses several terms as opposites of temperance.
Lasciviousness: a contempt for restraint, a desire to indulge in whatever a person feels like doing; a contempt for those who make rules and say, “don’t do this”.
- II Corinthians 12:21 have not repented of the… lasciviousness which they have committed
- Galatians 5:19 works of the flesh… lasciviousness
- Ephesians 4:19 past feeling, given themselves over unto lasciviousness
- I Peter 4:3 the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness
- Jude 1:4 turning the grace of God into lasciviousness
Wantonness: to wander about without restraint.
- Romans 13:13 walk honestly… not in chambering and wantonness
- I Timothy 5:11 when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ they will marry
- James 5:5 lived in pleasure on earth and been wanton
- II Peter 2:18 allure through lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness
Concupiscence: a desire for unlawful pleasures.
- Romans 7:8 wrought in me all manner of concupiscence
- Colossians 3:5 mortify… evil concupiscence
- I Thessalonians 4:5 not in the lust of concupiscence
Incontinence: excessive behavior.
- I Corinthians 7:5 that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency
- II Timothy 3:3 incontinent (as a characteristic of perilous times)
Sensual: the sensuous nature which is subject to appetite and passion.
- James 3:15 wisdom not from above is earthly, sensual, devilish
- Jude 19 they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit
Inordinate affection: depraved passions.
Colossians 3:5 mortify… inordinate affection
Cannot contain: the inability to be temperate.
I Corinthians 7:9 if they cannot contain, let them marry
The connection between these terms and sexual behavior is sometimes direct and sometimes implied. Sexual behavior in and of itself is not sinful. God created man with the capacity to function sexually and intended him to do so. Sexual behavior becomes sin when a person does not confine his sexual behavior to the limits which God designed for it — the context of marriage.
Fornication = sexual relationship which contradict God’s laws for sexual behavior
- I Corinthians 6:13 the body is not for fornication, it is not intended for promiscuous behavior
- I Corinthians 6:16 there is only one purpose for sexual relationships: to consummate and perpetuate a valid marriage relationship
There are two applications of the term “fornication”.
Where the context of the relationship is the focus.
All sexual behavior outside the context of marriage is called fornication. There are tree contexts in which this occurs.
A man and a woman involved in a romantic relationship but not married.
- I Corinthians 7:1 to avoid fornication — get married
- Romans 13:13 chambering = cohabitation, cohabitation = going to bed together
- Hebrews 13:4 marriage is the only context in which it is okay to go to bed together.
A man and a woman who are not involved in a romantic relationship. This involves sexual behavior for purposes other than romance, including prostitution.
When involving a woman, she is called a harlot (or whore).
- I Corinthians 6:15 make them the members of an harlot?
- I Corinthians 6:16 he which is joined to an harlot is one body
When involving a man, he is called a whoremonger.
- Ephesians 5:5 no whoremonger… hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ
- I Timothy 1:10 whoremongers… that is contrary to sound doctrine
- Hebrews 13:4 whoremongers and adulterers God will judge
Two people of the same sex whether a man with a man or a woman with a woman.
- Romans 1:26 changing the natural use
- Romans 1:27 leaving the natural use; burning in their lust one toward another; working that which is unseemly
- I Timothy 1:10 defiling self with mankind
- I Corinthians 6:9 abusing self with mankind, effeminate
- Jude 7 going after strange flesh
Where the participants of the relationship is the focus. This involves sexual behavior by two people whom God says may not be together even in
marriage.- I Corinthians 5:1 a man and his father’s wife
- Leviticus 18:8 thy father’s wife
Note: Leviticus 18 teaches against incest. The relationships indicated are considered not valid and therefore people of such relations may not marry. To do so contradicts Gods laws for sexuality.
For men:
- Verse 7 – daughter, mother
- Verse 8 – step mother
- Verse 9 – sister, half sister
- Verse 10 – grand daughter
- Verse 11 – step sister
- Verse 12-13 – aunt by blood relationship
- Verse 14 – aunt by marriage
- Verse 15 – daughter-in-law
- Verse 16 – sister-in-law
- Verse 17 – step daughter, step grand daughter.
For women:
- Verse 7 – father, son
- Verse 8 – step-son
- Verse 9 – brother, half brother
- Verse 10 – grand father
- Verse 11 – step brother
- Verse 12-13 – nephew by blood relationship
- Verse 14 – nephew by marriage
- Verse 15 – father-in-law
- Verse 16 – brother-in-law
- Verse 17 – step father, step grandfather
Deuteronomy 25:5 specifies one exception: if a brother-in-law dies childless, then the sister-inlaw may marry him.
Adultery = the violation of the marriage covenant.
The Hebrew words:
- Strong’s # 5003, naaph
- Strong’s # 5004, niuph
- Strong’s # 5005, naaphuph
- Used 33 times, translated adultery 32 times and 1 time “break wedlock” (Ezekiel 16:38)
The Greek words:
- Strong’s # 3428, moichaomai
- Strong’s # 3429, moicheia
- Strong’s # 3430, moicheuo
- Strong’s # 3431, moichos
- Used 35 times and translated adultery all 35 times.
There is a distinction between adultery and fornication.
- Hosea 4:13-14 daughters commit whoredom (fornication); spouses commit adultery
- I Corinthians 6:9 fornicators and adulterers are distinct
- Galatians 5:19 fornicators and adulterers are distinct
While adultery involves sexual activity as does fornication, when a married person sins sexually with a third party, the Bible typically refers to this as adultery and not as fornication.
- Hosea 4:13-14 it is the unmarried daughters that commit fornication. The married spouses commit adultery.
- Romans 2:22 thou saist a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery
- Romans 13:9 thou shalt not commit adultery
- I Corinthians 6:9 nor adulterers… shall inherit the kingdom of God
- Galatians 5:19 works of the flesh… adultery
- Hebrews 13:4 adulterers God will judge
- James 2:11 do not commit adultery
- James 4:4 ye adulterers and adulteresses… friendship with the world…
- II Peter 2:14 having eyes full of adultery
There are two ways for a married person to commit adultery.
To have a sexual relationship between a married person and a third party to whom he or she is not married.
- Leviticus 18:20 lie carnally with thy neighbor’s wife
- Proverbs 6:29 goeth in to his neighbor’s wife… shall not be innocent
To marry a second person (a third party) while the first spouse is still alive.
- Romans 7:3 while her husband liveth
- I Corinthians 7:39 as long as her husband liveth
Note: The exception clause in Matthew 19:9
- Jesus did not say “except it be for adultery” (requiring a third party involvement).
- Jesus said, “except it be for fornication” (that is, two parties involved in a non-valid marriage)
- If you are involved in a non-valid marriage according to God’s laws for marriage, you must leave that relationship, but afterwards you may enter into a valid marriage with another person. Otherwise divorce leads to adultery.
What if you are guilty of either fornication or adultery?
Guilty persons must be removed from fellowship immediately before other believers are contaminated. (This is not a Matthew 18 scenario.) I Corinthians 5:1-11
Repent, confess and be forgiven.
- II Corinthians 2:6-8 sufficient punishment… forgive… confirm your love.
- I Corinthians 6:9-11 such were some of you but ye are washed, sanctified, justified
Enjoy forgiveness through the blood of Christ and unrestricted fellowship in the body of Christ.
I Corinthians 6:15 your bodies (plural) are the members of Christ.
Just understand the difference between the freedom to fellowship and the qualification to serve in the office of elder or deacon.
- I Timothy 3:2,12 the husband of one wife
- Ezekiel 44:10-14 the Levites who went astray after their idols; shall be ministers, ministering to the house; shall not come near unto me to do the office of a priest unto me
It is better to avoid fornication and adultery altogether.
I Corinthians 7:1-5 marriage and faithfulness in marriage makes this possible
Part 8-D: Missing the Mark on Temperence: Emotions
Emotions are what we feel in response to or in reaction to what we see, hear or experience. Moods are states of mind which result from emotions. Attitudes are the expressions of moods.
When we experience something through our physical senses, certain emotions are aroused within us. These emotions then affect our state of mind which is communicated by our mannerisms, tone of voice and choice of words.
We cannot avoid experiencing things, nor can we prevent certain emotions from being aroused within us. But once this information arrives in our minds, we have a choice in how we will respond.
We can let our emotions determine our moods and let our moods determine our emotions, or when destructive emotions flair up within us we can seek an alternative experience that will produce lternative, productive emotions.
Dealing with “Against” Emotions
Certain experiences make us feel “against” other people.
- I Corinthians 4:6 puffed up for one against another
- I Corinthians 6:1 having a matter against another
- I Corinthians 8:12 when ye sin so against the brethren
- Colossians 3:13 if any man have a quarrel against any
- Colossians 3:19 be not bitter against them
- James 5:9 grudge not against another
- III John 10 prating against us with malicious words
“Against” emotions.
Hate against God
Romans 1:30 haters of God
Detesting other human beings
- I John 2:9,11 hateth his brother is in darkness
- I John 3:15 hate equals murder
- I John 4:20 hate is the opposite of love
Being detestable
Titus 3:3 hateful
- Ephesians 4:26 be angry and sin not
- Ephesians 4:31 be put away from you
- Colossians 3:8 put off anger
- Colossians 3:21 provoke your children to anger
- Titus 1:7 not soon angry
- II Corinthians 12:20 debates, envyings, wraths, strifes…
- Galatians 5:20 a work of the flesh
- Ephesians 2:3 children of wrath
- Ephesians 4:26 let not the sun go down upon your wrath
- Ephesians 4:31 be put away from you
- Ephesians 6:4 provoke your children to wrath
- I Timothy 2:8 holy hands without wrath and doubting
- James 1:19 slow to wrath
- James 1:20 the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
- Romans 3:14 mouth full of cursing and bitterness
- Ephesians 4:31 be put away from you
- Colossians 3:19 bitter against
- Hebrews 12:25 lest any root of bitterness trouble you
- James 3:14 ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts
“Against” emotions are unacceptable in the Christian life because they lead to destructive moods, attitudes and behaviors.
Ephesians 4:31 let them be put away from you
The remedy is behavior which makes you feel “for” other people. An act of kindness will help us feel for them.
- Ephesians 4:32 be kind, forgiving
- Romans 12:20 if thine enemy hunger feed him
Dealing With “Down” Emotions
Certain experiences make us feel down.
“Down” Emotions
Consuming grief
- Romans 9:2 great heaviness and continual sorrow
- I Timothy 6:10 pierced through with many sorrow
Annoying pain
- II Corinthians 2:3 sorrow from them of whom I ought to rejoice
- II Corinthians 2:7 swallowed up with overmuch sorrow
- II Corinthians 7:10 sorrow of the world worketh death
- Philippians 2:27 lest I should have overmuch sorrow
- II Corinthians 11:27 in weariness… (Paul’s troubles)
- Galatians 6:9 be not weary in well doing
James 5:1 your miseries shall come upon you
- Romans 14:15 thy brother be grieved with thy meat
- II Corinthians 2:4-5 I did not want you to be grieved
- Hebrews 12:11 chastening is grievous not joyous
- I John 5:3 his commandments are not grievous
- II Corinthians 7:7 your earnest desire, your mourning
- James 4:9 be afflicted and mourn, laughter turned to mourning
- I Corinthians 11:6 shame for a woman to be shorn
- I Corinthians 14:35 shame for women to speak in the church
- Ephesians 5:12 shame to speak of those things done in secret
- Philippians 3:19 whose glory is in their shame
- Jude 13 foaming out their own shame
I Corinthians 11:14 long hair shame to a man
- Romans 3:19 guilty before God
- I Corinthians 11:27 guilty of the body and blood of the Lord
- James 2:10 guilty of all
Weary, Faint
Hebrews 12:3 lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds
II Corinthians 11:27 in weariness
- Galatians 6:9 be not weary in well doing
- II Thess. 3:13 be not weary in well doing
Faint – weak
- II Corinthians 4:1,16 faint not
- Galatians 6:9 if we faint not
- Ephesians 3:13 faint not at my tribulation
- Hebrews 12:3 wearied and faint in your minds
- Hebrews 12:5 not faint when rebuked
Colossians 3:21 children will be discouraged when provoked to anger
“Down” emotions are unacceptable in the Christian life. For example, sorrow and misery come from worldliness (I Timothy 6:10) and because weariness can make you want to quit (Galatians 6:9).
The remedy is behavior which makes you feel optimistic. Doing something responsible will help us feel optimistic.
- I Timothy 6:6 godliness is accompanied by contentment
- I Timothy 6:11 so we ought to follow righteousness, godliness, etc.
- Galatians 6:9-10 being responsible generates hope (optimism)
(In due season we shall reap… as we have therefore opportunity…)
Dealing With “Hard” Emotions
Certain experiences make us feel stubborn.
“Hard” emotions.
- Romans 2:5 hardness and impenitent heart
- Hebrews 3:8 harden not your hearts
- Hebrews 3:13 hardened through the deceitfulness of sin
- Hebrews 3:15 harden not your hearts
- Hebrews 4:7 harden not your hearts
Past Feeling
Ephesians 4:19 being past feeling, give themselves over unto lasciviousness
Philippians 3:18-19 whose glory is in their shame
No Fear
- Romans 3:18 no fear of God
- Jude 12 feeding themselves without fear
“Hard” emotions are unacceptable in the Christian life because they are characteristic of unbelievers who are unwilling to acknowledge their accountability to God.
Matthew 5:3 it is the poor in spirit that are blessed
The remedy is behavior which makes you feel repentant. Acknowledging our faults will soften our hearts.
- I John 1:9 confession
- II Corinthians 7:10 confession produces godly sorrow
Dealing With “Unstable” Emotions
Certain experiences make us feel unstable.
“Unstable” emotions.
- James 1:8 doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways
- II Peter 2:14 unstable souls
- II Peter 3:16 the unlearned and unstable wrest
James 3:16
where envying and strife is there is confusion
- Philippians 4:11 therewith to be content
- I Timothy 6:6,8 be content with what you have
- Hebrew 13:5 be content with such things as you have
- III John 10 not content with malicious words… refused to receive the brethren
Note: This pseudo-control freak behavior is typical of a person who lacks confidence and over reacts as a means to compensate
“Unstable” emotions are unacceptable in the Christian life because they exhibit a lack of confidence in God.
James 1:6 in faith, nothing wavering
The remedy is behavior which makes you feel confident. Setting your heart on an absolute truth will stabilize you.
- Ephesians 4:12-14 seek edification
- II Corinthians 11:3 seek simplicity, i.e. something that is absolute
Dealing With “Fear” Emotions
Certain experiences make us feel worried and afraid.
“Fear” emotions.
- Romans 8:15 have not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear
- I Corinthians 2:3 weakness, fear, much trembling
- II Corinthians 7:5 without fightings, within fears
- Galatians 2:12 Peter feared them which were of the circumcision
- II Timothy 1:7 God has not given us the spirit of fear
- Hebrews 2:15 through fear of death subject to bondage
- I John 4:18 perfect love casts out fear
Worry and Carefulness
Philippians 4:6 be careful for nothing
Anguish and distress
- Romans 2:9 tribulation and anguish upon the soul that does evil
- Romans 8:35 tribulation, distress, persecution
- II Corinthians 2:4 out of much anguish, I wrote with tears
- II Corinthians 4:8 troubled but not distressed
- II Corinthians 6:4 oppressing ourselves in… distresses
- II Corinthians 12:10 I take pleasure in distresses for Christ’s sake
- I Thessalonians 3:7 comforted in distress
“Fear” emotions are unacceptable in the Christian life because God has not given us the spirit of fear.
II Timothy 1:7 not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind
The remedy is behavior which makes you feel strong. Submitting to the Holy Spirit will help us feel strong.
- II Corinthians 4:7-8 troubled but not distressed
- II Corinthians 11:3 because of the power of God within us
Dealing With “Misdirected Passion”
Certain experiences make us feel passionate in the wrong way.
“Misdirected Passion” emotions
- Romans 10:2 zeal of God but not according to knowledge
- Galatians 4:17 zealously affect you but not well
- Philippians 3:6 concerning zeal, persecuting the church
- Romans 1:26 vile affections
- Romans 1:31 without natural affection
- II Timothy 3:3 without natural affection
- Galatians 5:24 affections of the flesh
- Colossians 3:2 affection on things on the earth
- Colossians 3:5 inordinate affection
Hebrews 11:25 enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season
- Romans 12:9 dissimulated love
- II Corinthians 6:6 feigned love
- II Corinthians 8:8 insincere love
- II Corinthians 12:15 less love
- I Timothy 6:10 love of money
- II Timothy 3:2 love of self
- II Timothy 3:4 love of pleasure
- II Timothy 4:10 love of this world
- II Peter 2:15 love the wages of unrighteousness
- I John 2:15 love the world and the things of the world
- I John 3:10 love not
- I John 3:14 love not
- I John 3:18 love in word
- I Corinthians 13:6 rejoice in iniquity
- James 4:16 rejoice in your boastings
Misdirected passion emotions are unacceptable in the Christian life because our passion is to be directed toward God, things in heaven, the work of the Lord and other people – and not to things that indulge self and feed the flesh.
- Ephesians 3:19 to know the love of Christ is the priority of the Christian life
- Colossians 3:2 set your affection on things above
- I Thess. 4:9 taught of God to love one another
The remedy is behavior that gives you passion for God. Obedience is associated with our love for God.
- I John 2:5 whoso keepeth his word in him is the love of God perfected
- I John 5:3 this is the love of God that we keep his commandments
There are many kinds of emotions with which we must deal in our lives.
But in each case, the principle is the same: When an experience produces an unacceptable emotion within us, we must avoid the consequences of such emotions by acting to engage in a behavior (experience) which will as soon as possible produce alternative emotions.
- When we feel against someone, an act of kindness will help us feel for them.
- When we feel down, doing something responsible will help us feel optimistic.
- When we feel stubborn, acknowledging our faults will soften us.
- When we feel unstable, setting our heart on an absolute truth will stabilize us.
- When we feel afraid, submitting to the Holy Spirit will strengthen us.
We cannot stop emotions from occurring, but we do not have to let destructive emotions have their way. We can counteract them by doing the right thing.
Part 9: Missing the Mark on Patience
James 3:2 – If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man able also to bridle the whole body.
James 3:6-8 – The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity, defiling the whole body, setting on fire the course of nature, set on fire of hell, an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
The tongue is the hardest part of the body to tame. A man might be temperate in all other areas of his life, but not be patient with his tongue. This is why we are told in II Peter 1:6 to add patience to temperance.
We need patient tongues when confronting others.
II Timothy 2:24 apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose…
We need patient tongues when being confronted by others.
II Peter 2:20 whether we are guilty or not
An impatient tongue leads to many kinds of sins.
Sins of Argumentativeness
Questions: Strong’s # 2214 zetesis – controversy
- I Timothy 1:4 do not give heed to things which minister question
- I Timothy 6:4 doting = in a nauseous way
- II Timothy 2:23 avoid foolish and unlearned questions
- Titus 3:9 avoid foolish questions
Gainsaying: Strong’s # 483 antilego – contradiction
- Romans 10:21 unto a disobedient and gainsaying people
- Titus 1:9 convince the gainsayers
- Titus 2:9 not answering again
- Jude 11 perished in the gainsaying of Core
Strong’s # 3859 paradiatribe – a useless and empty diatribe
I Timothy 6:5 perverse disputings of men
Strong’s # 1261 dialogismos – deliberate with hesitation
- Romans 14:1 doubtful disputations
- Philippians 2:14 do things without disputings
Strong’s # 4804 suzetetes – a learned disputant
I Corinthians 1:20 where is the disputer of this world
Strifes of words: Strong’s # 3055 logomachia – contend about empty and trifling matters
I Timothy 6:4 strifes of words whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings
Debate: Strong’s # 483 eris – contention, wrangling
- Romans 1:29 murder, debate, conceit, etc.
- II Corinthians 12:20 lest there be debates, etc.
Sins of Making Accusations
Prating against: Strong’s # 5396 phluareo ‐ idle accusation
III John 10 prating against us with malicious words
Speak against: Strong’s # 2635 katalaleo ‐ make someone look like a criminal
I Peter 2:12 speak against you as evil doers
Make false accusations: Strong’s # 1228 dibolos ‐ false accuser
- II Timothy 3:3 truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent
- Titus 2:3 aged women be not false accusers
Railing accusation: Strong’s # 989 blasphemos and # 2920 krisis
- II Peter 2:11 bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord
- Jude 9 durst not bring against him a railing accusation
Quarrel: Strong’s # 3437 momphe ‐ blame, have a complaint against
Colossians 3:13
Against elders
- I Timothy 5:1 rebuke not
- I Timothy 5:19 receive not an accusation against but before two or three witnesses
Sins of Conspiracy
Whisperings: Strong’s # 5588 psithuristes – secret slanderer
- Romans 1:29 full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers
- II Corinthians 12:20 I shall not find you such as I would… debates… whisperings… etc.
Guile: Strong’s # 1388 dolos – entrapment
- II Corinthians 12:16 I caught you in guile
- I Thess. 2:3 our exhortation was not… in guile
- I Peter 2:1 laying aside all malice, and all guile
- I Peter 2:22 neither was guile found in his mouth
- I Peter 3:10 that his lips speak no guile
Murmuring: Strong’s # 1111 gogguzo – grumble, speak against in a low tone
- I Corinthians 10:10 neither murmur ye
- Philippians 2:14 do all things without murmurings and disputings
- Jude 16 these are murmurers
Flattery: Strong’s # 2850 kolokeia – from kolax, a fawner
I Thessalonians 2:5 neither at any time used we flattering words
Strong’s # 2692 katastophe – extinction of a spirit of consecration
II Timothy 2:14 words to no profit but to the subverting of the hearers
Strong’s # 396 anatrepo – overthrow, destroy
Titus 1:11 who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not
Strong’s # 1612 ekstrepho – invert, turn inside out
Titus 3:11 he that is such subverted, and sinneth being condemned of himself
Strong’s # 3981 peithos – persuasive
I Corinthians 2:4 preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom
Strong’s# 4086 pithanologia – lead others into error
Colossians 2:4 lest any man should beguile you with enticing words
Sins of Resistance
Strong’s # 436 anthistemi – antihistamine, to work against
II Timothy 4:15 withstood our words
Sins of Complaining
Strong’s # 3202 mempsimoiros – complaining of one’s lot, discontent
Jude 16 murmurers, complainers
Sins of Lying
Lying: Strong’s # 5579 pseudos – conscious and intentional breaking of faith
- Romans 1:25 changed the truth of God into a lie
- Romans 3:4 let God be true and every man a liar
- Romans 3:7 if the truth of God hath abounded through my lie unto glory…
- Ephesians 4:25 put away lying and speak the truth
- Colossians 3:9 lie not one to another
- II Thess. 2:9 after the working of Satan with all power and sign and lying wonders
- I Timothy 1:10 liars… and any other thing contrary to sound doctrine
- Titus 1:12 the Cretians are alway liars
- James 3:14 lie not against the truth
- I John 1:6 if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie
- I John 1:10 if we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar
- I John 2:21 no lie is of the truth
- I John 2:22 who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?
- I John 4:20 if a man say, I love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar
- I John 5:10 he that believeth not God hath made him a liar
Feigned Words: Strong’s # 4112 plastos – plastic, molded
II Peter 2:3 feigned words
Perjury: Strong’s # 1965 epiorkos – false swearer
I Timothy 1:10 perjured persons, and any other thing contrary to sound doctrine
Sins of Abusive Language
Rail and revile:
Strong’s # 3058 loidoreo – heap abuse upon
- I Corinthians 4:12 being reviled we bless
- I Corinthians 5:11 one of the six items for this kind of disciplinary action
- I Corinthians 6:10 nor revilers… shall inherit the kingdom of God
- I Peter 2:23 when he was reviled, reviled not again
- I Peter 3:9 not rendering railing for railing
Strong’s # 988 blasphemia – blasphemy
- I Timothy 6:4 accompanies argumentativeness
- II Peter 2:11 railing accusation
- Jude 9 railing accusation
There are many forms of abusive language:
Scoffing and mocking –
Strong’s # 1703 emaiktes – mock
- Hebrews 11:36 others had trials of cruel mockings
- II Peter 3:3 shall come in the last days scoffers
- Jude 18 there should be mockers in the last time
Strong’s # 3456 mukterizo – turn up the nose at
Galatians 6:7 God is not mocked
Hard speeches: Strong’s # 4642 skleros – violent and offensive speech
Jude 1:15 hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him
Backbiting: Strong’s # 2637 katalogos – defamation, evil speaking
- Romans 1:30 backbiters, etc.
- II Corinthians 12:20 backbitings, etc.
Blasphemy: Strong’s # 987 blasphemeo – blasphemy
- Romans 2:24 the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles
- Ephesians 4:31 evil speaking
- Colossians 3:8 put off blasphemy
- I Timothy 1:13 (Me) who was a blasphemer
- I Timothy 1:20 that they may learn not to blaspheme
- I Timothy 3:11 slanderer
- I Timothy 6:1 that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed
- II Timothy 3:2 in perilous times of the last days men shall be blasphemers
- Titus 2:5 that the word of God be not blasphemed
- James 2:7 do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?
Poison of asps under the lips –
Romans 3:13 the poison of asps is under their lips
Cursing: Strong’s # 2671 kataraomai – imprecate evil upon
- Romans 3:14 whose mouth is full of cursing
- Romans 12:14 bless and curse not
- II Peter 2:14 cursed children
- James 3:9 therewith curse we men
- James 3:10 out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing
Bitter mouth: Strong’s # 4088 pikria – bitter hatred
Romans 3:14 whose mouth is full of… bitterness
Clamour: Strong’s # 2906 kauge – outcry
Ephesians 4:31 let clamour be put away from you
Threats: Strong’s # 547 apeile – threat
- Ephesians 6:9 forbearing threatening
- I Peter 2:23 when he suffered, he threatened not
Injurious words: Strong’s # 5197 ubristes – heap insulting language
I Timothy 1:13 who was before… injurious
Evil communications: Strong’s # 3657 omilia – intercourse
I Corinthians 15:33 evil communications corrupt good manners
Corrupt communications: Strong’s # 4550 sapros – putrefied, rotten
Ephesians 4:29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth
Offend in word: Strong’s # 4417 ptaio – make some one miserable
James 3:2 if any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man
Malicious words: Strong’s # 4190 poneros – causing pain and trouble
III John 10 prating against us with malicious words
Sins of Nonsense
Jesting: Strong’s # eutrapelia – low jesting, indecent humor
Ephesians 5:4 neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient
Foolish talking: Strong’s # 3473 morologia – foolish talking
Ephesians 5:4
Vain words: Strong’s # 2756 kenos – empty, devoid of truth
Ephesians 5:6 let no man deceive you with vain words
Jangling: Strong’s # 3150 mataiologia – empty talk
I Timothy 1:6 some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling
Babbling: Strong’s # 2757 kenophonia – empty, useless talk
- I Timothy 6:20 avoiding profane (unhallowed) and vain babblings
- II Timothy 2:16 shun profane and vain babblings
Great swelling words of vanity: Strong’s # 5246 uperogkos – gross exaggeration, extravagant
- II Peter 2:18 when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure…
- Jude 16 their mouth speaketh great swelling words of vanity
Tattlers: Strong’s # 5397 phluaros – utter silly things, trifle
I Timothy 5:13 tattlers and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not
Words to no profit
II Timothy 2:14 strive not about words to no profit
Vain talkers: Strong’s # 3151 mataiologos – idle, senseless
Titus 1:10 there are man unruly and vain talkers and deceivers
Sins of Speaking Wrong Things
Speak evil of things which they know not
Jude 10 but these speak evil of those things which they know not
Speak thing they ought not
- I Timothy 5:13 they learn to be idle… speaking things which they ought not
- Titus 1:11 subvert whole houses teaching things which they ought not
Teach otherwise
I Timothy 6:3 if any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words
Speak of the world
I John 4:5 they are of the world: therefore speak they of the world
Affirm something that is not true
Romans 3:8 as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say
Profess something that is not true
Titus 1:16 they profess that they know God; but in works they deny him
Swearing, making oaths
James 5:12 swear not, neither by heaven… earth, neither by any other oath
Sins of Empty Profession
Say he has faith when he does not
James 2:14 what doth it profit… though a man say he hath faith and have not works
Say we will do this or that without considering God’s will
James 4:13-15 ye that say, Today or to morrow we will go into such a city…
Say we have fellowship with God when we do not
I John 1:6 if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness
Say we have no sin when we do
I John 1:8 if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves
Say we have not sinned when we have
I John 1:10 if we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar
Say we know God when we do not
I John 2:4 he that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments
Say we love God when we hate our brother
I John 4:20 if a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother…
Sins of Equivocation
Doubletongued: Strong’s # 1351 dilogos – say one thing to one and another thing to another
I Timothy 3:8 not doubletongued
Yea and Nay
- II Corinthians 1:18 our word toward you was not yea and nay
- II Corinthians 1:19 was not yea and nay, but in him was yea
- James 5:12 let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation
Blessing and cursing
James 3:10 out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing
Sins of the tongue are described in at least 68 ways from Romans to Jude. How do we reign in our tongue?
Slow down
James 1:19 swift to hear, slow to speak
Speak the truth in Christ – I Timothy 2:7
Speak the truth in love – Ephesians 4:5
Season your speech with grace – Colossians 4:6
- make it savory so others will want to receive it
- make it palatable to each person, answering every man appropriately
Part 10: Missing the Mark on Godliness
Mostly we think of sin as something we do.
Romans 3:23 for all have sinned
But sin also has something to do with who we are and what we become as we commit sin.
Romans 3:12 they are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable
Godliness is about what we become in Christ. Ungodliness is about what we become in sin.
What is Godliness?
Something I put on that communicates something about God to others.
A demeanor of godliness; i.e. reverence, respect, trust, confidence, etc. (Demeanor = outward behavior)
- II Corinthians 1:12 with godly sincerity… we have had our conversation in this world (The kind of sincerity of which God approves)
- II Corinthians 11:2 godly jealousy (the kind of jealousy of which God approves)
- I Timothy 1:4 godly edifying (the kind of edifying of which God approves)
- III John 6 a godly sort of hospitality (the kind of hospitality of which God approves)
- II Corinthians 7:9 a godly sorrow (the kind of sorrow of which God approves)
Something I put on that communicates to others and to God Himself what I think of God.
- I Timothy 2:2 leading a quiet and peaceable life with a demeanor that shows pity toward God
- I Timothy 4:7 exercise thyself unto this demeanor
- I Timothy 4:8 for this demeanor is profitable unto all things
- I Timothy 6:3 doctrine is according to this demeanor
- I Timothy 6:6 this demeanor with contentment is valuable
- Titus 1:1 truth and this demeanor are compatible
- I Timothy 6:5 Some suppose that wealth leads to this demeanor
- II Timothy 3:5 Others have an empty form of this demeanor, but it is merely ceremonial, or put on. They do not think it serves any real purpose.
- II Peter 1:3 there are vital things that pertain to life and a proper demeanor toward God
- Faith: believing God to be right with a consequent willingness to obey
- Virtue: A commitment to excellence: that which pleases God
- Knowledge: dispelling ignorance by absorbing truth
- Temperance: yielding to the control of the Holy Spirit
- Patience: communicating with a controlled tongue
- Godliness: a reverent, pious demeanor toward God
- Brotherly Kindness: loving your neighbor as yourself
- Charity: A sacrificial concern for the welfare of others
What is Ungodliness?
Something I put on that communicates I have a wrong attitude toward God.
Romans 1:18 holding the truth in unrighteousness
- hold = detain, restrain, hold back
- they put a hold on truth by their love for unrighteousness.
- they reject the Word of God as authoritative.
I Timothy 1:9 lawlessness
they reject obedience to God’s law.
II Timothy 2:16 profane and vain babblings increasing unto more ungodliness
- they make up their own rules
- and they keep changing them as they go along making things worse and worse
Jude 18 mockers who walk after their own ungodly lusts
they insist that they can do whatever they want to do
God will hold them accountable.
- Jude 1:15 to execute judgment upon them
- II Peter 2:5 just as he did in Noah’s day
- II Peter 2:6 and to Sodom and Gomorrah
What is the Effect of Ungodliness?
The effect of ungodliness is the characterization of a man as the opposite of that which pleases God.
Character =
- a mark made by cutting or engraving as on stone, metal, or other hard material.
- the peculiar qualities impressed on a person which distinguishes him from others or defines who he is.
- a description of a man.
Adjectives characterize a man.
Ungodliness is dirty.
Unholy Strong’s # 462 – anosios: unholy, impious, wicked
- I Timothy 1:9 the law is made for the lawless, disobedient, ungodly, sinners, unholy…
- II Timothy 3:2 men shall be… unholy
Sinful Strong’s # 268 – hamartolos: devoted to sin
Romans 7:13 sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful
Unclean Strong’s # 169 – akathartos: moral uncleanness
Ephesians 5:5 no unclean person hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ
Profane Strong’s # 952 – bebelos: lawful to be trodden, opposite of holy
- I Timothy 1:9 the law is made for… profane
- I Timothy 4:7 refuse profane and old wives’ fables
- I Timothy 6:20 avoiding profane and vain babblings
- II Timothy 2:16 shun profane and vain babblings
- Hebrews 12:16 lest there be any… profane person
Filthy Strong’s # 150 – aischros: baseness, dishonorable
- Colossians 3:8 put off… filthy communication
- II Peter 2:7 Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked
- Revelation 22:11 he that is filthy, let him be filthy still
Evil Strong’s # 2556 – kakos: bad
II Timothy 3:13 evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse
Corrupt Strong’s # 5351 – phtheiro: ruined by defilement
- I Corinthians 15:33 evil communications corrupt good manners
- Ephesians 4:22 the old man, corrupt according to the deceitful lusts
- Jude 1:10 what they know naturally… in those things they corrupt themselves
Strong’s # 1294 – diastrepho: to distort, oppose, turn aside
Philippians 2:15 in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation
Strong’s # 3859 – paradiatribe: useless
I Timothy 6:5 perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds
Reprobate Strong’s # 96 – adokimos: unapproved, failing the test
- Romans 1:28 God gave them over to a reprobate mind
- II Timothy 3:8 men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith
- Titus 1:16 unto every good work, reprobate
Defiled Strong’s # 3392 – miaino: dy another color, contaminate
- Titus 1:15 even their mind and conscience is defiled
- Hebrews 12:15 lest any root of bitterness… thereby many be defiled
Abominable Strong’s # 947 – bdeluktos: detestable
Titus 1:16 abominable and disobedient
Wicked Strong’s # 4190 – poneros: bad by nature
- I Corinthians 5:13 put away from yourselves that wicked person
- II Thess. 3:2 be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men
- II Peter 2:7 vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked
- II Peter 3:17 being led away with the error of the wicked
Ungodliness is spiritually criminal
Strong’s # 813 – ataktos: deviating from the rules
I Thess. 5:14 warn them that are unruly
Strong’s # 506 – anupotaktos: not submitting to the rules
- Titus 1:6 faithful children not accused of riot or unruly
- Titus 1:10 there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers
Lawless Strong’s # 459 – anomos: without law, violating the law
- I Timothy 1:9 the law is made for the lawless
- II Peter 2:8 vexed from day to day with their unlawful deeds
Disorderly Strong’s # 814 – ataktos: deviating from the rules
- II Thess. 3:6 withdraw from every brother that walketh disorderly
- II Thess. 3:7 we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you
- II Thess. 3:11 some walk among you disorderly, working not at all, busybodies
Incontinent Strong’s # 193 – akrates: out of control
II Timothy 3:3 men shall be incontinent
Implacable Strong’s # 786 – aspondos: refuses to enter into a covenant
Romans 1:31 implacable
Impenitent Strong’s # 279 – ametanoetos: unrepentant
Romans 2:5 after thy hardness and impenitent heart
Ungodliness is mean-spirited.
Despiteful Strong’s # 5197 – hubristes: insolent, insulting, shameful
Romans 1:30 despiteful
Malicious Strong’s # 4190 – poneros: bad nature
III John 1:10 prating against us with malicious words
Unmerciful Strong’s # 415 – aneleemon: without mercy
Romans 1:31 unmerciful
Fierce Strong’s # 434 – anemeros: not tame, savage
II Timothy 3:3 men shall be fierce
Hard Strong’s # 4643 – sklerotes: stubbornness
- Romans 2:5 after thy hardness
- Hebrews 3:8 harden not your hearts
- Hebrews 3:13 hardened through the deceitfulness of sin
- Hebrews 3:15 harden not your hearts
- Hebrews 4:7 harden not your hearts
- Jude 1:15 all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him
Bitter Strong’s # 4087 – pikraino: indignant, irritated
- Colossians 3:19 husband love your wives, be not bitter against them
- James 3:14 if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not
Pernicious Strong’s # 684 – apoleia: destructive
II Peter 2:2 many shall follow their pernicious ways
Straitened Strong’s # 4729 – stenochoreo: compressed, sorely straitened in spirit
II Corinthians 6:12 ye are not straitened in us, but ye are straitened in your own bowels
Cunning Strong’s # 3834 – panourgia: using false wisdom to deceive
Ephesians 4:14 cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive
Strong’s # 2052 – eritheia: fractious electioneering, self promotion by unfair means
Romans 2:8 unto them that are contentious… indignation and wrath
Strong’s # 5380 – philoneikos: fond of strife
I Corinthians 11:16 if any man seem to be contentious
Strong’s # 480 – antikeima: to oppose
- Galatians 5:17 flesh… spirit… these are contrary the one to the other
- I Timothy 1:10 any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine
Strong’s # 1727 – enantios: opposite
- I Thess. 2:15 they please not God and are contrary to all men
- Titus 2:8 that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed
Unreasonable Strong’s # 824 – atopos: out of place, improper
II Thess. 3:2 be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men
Ungodliness is self-absorbed.
Carnal Strong’s # 4559 – sarkikos: fleshly
- Romans 7:14 I am carnal, sold under sin
- I Corinthians 3:1 I could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal
- I Corinthians 3:3 ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is… envying… strife… are ye not carnal
- I Corinthians 3:4 are ye not carnal?
Fleshly Strong’s # 4559 – sarkikos: fleshly
- II Corinthians 1:12 not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God
- Colossians 2:18 vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind
- I Peter 2:11 abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul
Sensual Strong’s # 5591 – psuchikos: relating to the physical senses
Jude 1:19 sensual, having not the Spirit
Strong’s # 2691 – katastreniao: given to sexual pleasure
I Timothy 5:11 wax wanton against Christ
Strong’s # 4684 – spatalao: given to pleasure
James 5:5 lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton
Self willed Strong’s # 829 – authades: self pleasing, arrogant
- Titus 1:7 a bishop… not self willed
- II Peter 2:10 presumptuous, not selfwilled
Greedy Strong’s # 146 – aischrokerdes: eager for it
- I Timothy 3:3 not greedy of filthy lucre
- I Timothy 3:8 not greedy of filthy lucre
Strong’s # 5244 – huperephanos: showing oneself above others
Romans 1:30 proud
Strong’s # 5187 – tuphoo: blind with conceit
I Timothy 6:4 he is proud, knowing nothing
Unthankful Strong’s # 884 – acharistos: ungracious
II Timothy 3:2 men shall be unthankful
Presumptuous Strong’s # 5113 – tolmetes: daring
II Peter 2:10 presumptuous are they, selfwilled
Ungodliness is worthless
Strong’s # 453 – anoetes: without understanding
- Galatians 3:1 O foolish Galatians
- Galatians 3:3 are you so foolish?
- I Timothy 6:9 fall into… many foolish and hurtful lusts
- Titus 3:3 we ourselves also were sometimes foolish
Strong’s # 3471 – moraino: lose savor
- I Corinthians 1:20 hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
- I Corinthians 1:27 God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise
- Ephesians 5:4 nor foolish talking
- II Timothy 2:23 foolish and unlearned questions avoid
- Titus 3:9 avoid foolish questions
Strong’s # 801 – asunetos: without understanding
Romans 1:21 their foolish heart was darkened
Strong’s # 878 – aphron: without reason
- Romans 2:20 an instructor of the foolish
- I Peter 2:15 with well doing put to silence the ignorance of foolish men
Strong’s # 3154 – mataioo: to make empty
Romans 1:21 became vain in their imaginations
Strong’s # 3636 – okneros: sluggish
Romans 12:11 not slothful in business
Strong’s # 3576 – nothros: dull, slow
Hebrews 6:12 be not slothful
Strong’s # 692 – argos: lazy, not working
I Timothy 5:13 they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house
Strong’s # 175 – akarpos: without fruit
- Ephesians 5:11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness
- Titus 3:14 learn to maintain good works… that they be not unfruitful
- II Peter 1:8 neither be barren nor unfruitful
Strong’s # 889 – achreioo: useless, unserviceable
- Romans 3:12 they are together become unprofitable
- Philemon 1:11 which in time past was to thee unprofitable
Strong’s # 512 – anopheles: useless
Titus 3:9 foolish questions… strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable
Strong’s # 793 – asteriktos: inherently weak
- II Peter 2:14 beguiling unstable souls
- II Peter 3:16 which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest
Strong’s # 453 – anoetos: without understanding
- Romans 1:14 I am a debtor both to the wise and to the unwise
- Ephesians 5:17 be ye not unwise but understanding
If we want to overcome ungodliness we must exercise.
I Timothy 4:7 exercise thyself unto godliness
Because godliness is profitable unto all things.
I Timothy 4:8 bodily exercise profiteth little, godliness is profitable unto all things
How do we exercise ourselves unto godliness?
- I Timothy 6:3 consent to wholesome words, sound doctrine taught by Christ
- I Timothy 6:11 run away from the things that keep you from sound doctrine
- Titus 1:1 the truth develops a demeanor that shows God what we think about Him
Part 11: Missing the Mark on Brotherly Kindness
II Peter 1:7 – Brotherly kindness = philadelphia
This is a compound word:
- delphia, delphos = sister, brother
- Philos, phileo = take delight in, be friendly
Philos is used 29 time and is translated “friend” every time.
- James 2:23 – the friend of God
- James 4:4 – friend of the world
Phileo is used 25 times and is translated “love”, meaning to take delight in
- Matthew 23:6 – love the upper most rooms at feasts
- John 21:17 – Simon, lovest thou me?
Brotherly kindness, as a biblical character quality, is the fondness or delight we have for one another as human beings, as though we were family, even if we are not. Not all human beings delight in all other human beings. We are not all fond of each other. In fact, sometimes it is exactly the opposite. We have a great dislike for some. The consequences of such negative attitudes toward each other are countless.
Countless Offenses
General offenses
James 3:2 In many things we offend all (Offend = cause some one to stumble)
Illustration: physically tripping over an unexpected obstacle
Application: mental, emotional, spiritual stumbling
Anything one might do that places an unexpected obstacle in the life of another person which affects their ability to proceed smoothly, without interruption.
Countless Offenses
General terms
Strong’s # 91 – adikeo: to act unjustly, criminally, wickedly
- I Corinthians 6:7 take wrong
- I Corinthians 6:8 ye do wrong
- II Corinthians 7:12 we have wronged no man
- II Corinthians 12:13 forgive me this wrong
- Colossians 3:25 he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong
Strong’s # 5015 – tarasso: to agitate, trouble
- Galatians 1:7 there be some that trouble you
- Galatians 5:10 he that troubleth you
- I Peter 3:14 be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled
Strong’s # 387 – anastatoo: stir up, excite, unsettle
Galatians 5:12 I would they were even cut off which trouble you
Strong’s # 3930 – parecho: cause something unfavorable
Galatians 6:7 let no man trouble me
Strong’s # 2346 – thlibo: press hard upon, afflict, distress
- II Thess. 1:6 it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you
- II Thess. 1:7 to you who are troubled
Strong’s # 4417 – ptaio: cause someone to stumble
- James 2:10 yet offend in one point
- James 3:2 In many things we offend all
Strong’s # 4624 – skandalizo: put a stumbling block or impediment in the way
I Corinthians 8:13 if meat make my brother to offend… lest I make my brother to offend
Work ill
Strong’s # 2556 – kakos: bad, injurious
Romans 13:10 love worketh no ill to his neighbor
Zealously affect not well
Strong’s # 2206 – zeloo: heated or boil with envy, hatred, anger
Galatians 4:17 they zealously affect you but not well
Did me much evil
Strong’s # 2556 – kakos: bad, injurious
II Timothy 4:14 Alexander did me much evil
Strong’s # 4273 – prodotes: betrayer, traitor
II Timothy 3:4 traitors
Forsake me
Strong’s # 1459 – egkataleipo: abandon, desert
- II Timothy 4:16 all men forsook me
- II Timothy 4:10 Demas hath forsaken me
Strong’s # 348 – anakopto: to beat back
Galatians 5:7 ye did run well, who did hinder you
Stumbling block
Strong’s # 4625 – skandalon: trap, snare, impediment
Romans 14:13 that no man put a stumbling block
Strong’s # 4348 – proskomma: obstacle, stumbling block
- Romans 14:13 or occasion to fall
- I Corinthians 8:9 this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak
Public embarrassment
Making a gazing stock
Strong’s # 2301 – theatrizo: set forth as a spectacle
Hebrews 10:33 whilst ye were made a gazing stock
Rich men drawing the poor before the judgment seats
Strong’s # 1670 – helkuo: drag off
James 2:6 rich men draw thee before the judgment seat
One Christian taking another to law before the unsaved
Strong’s # 2919 – krino: judge
I Corinthians 6:1,7 go to law before the unjust
Seizure of property
Spoiling like an enemy army
Strong’s # 4812 – sulagogeo: to carry off booty
Colossians 2:8 lest any man spoil you through philosophy
Making merchandise of and using for personal gain
Strong’s # 1710 – emporeuomai: trade, use for gain
II Peter 2:3 with feigned words make merchandise of you
Strong’s # 2919 (+1252, 350) – krino, diakrino, anakrino
- Romans 2:1 inexcusable… whosoever thou art that judgest
- Romans 14:3 let not him that eateth not judge him that eateth
- Romans 14:4 who art thou that judgest another man’s servant?
- Romans 14:10 why dost thou judge thy brother
- Romans 14:13 let us not therefore judge one another any more
- Colossians 2:16 let no man judge you in meat
- James 4:11 he that judgeth his brother, judgeth the law
- James 4:12 who art thou that judgeth another?
Strong’s # 987 – blasphemeo: speak evil of
I Corinthians 4:13 being defamed, we entreat
Treat shamefully
Strong’s # 5195 – hubrizo: behave insolently, act shamefully
I Thess. 2:2 were shamefully entreated
Set at nought (make a person feel worthless)
Strong’s # 1848 – exoutheneo: make of no account
Romans 14:10 why dost thou set at nought thy brother
Strong’s # 1375 – digmos: persecution
- Romans 12:14 bless them which persecute you
- I Corinthians 15:9 I persecuted the church
- II Corinthians 4:9 persecuted by not forsaken
- Galatians 1:13 I persecuted the church
- Galatians 1:23 he which persecuted us in times past
- II Thess. 1:4 in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure
- II Timothy 3:11 what persecutions I endured
Strong’s # 2347 – thlipsis: pressing together, oppression, affliction
- Philippians 1:16 supposing to add affliction to my bonds
- II Corinthians 6:4 in all things approving ourselves… in afflictions
- I Thess. 3:3 no one should be moved by these afflictions
- Hebrews 10:33 made a gazing stock both by reproaches and afflictions
Strong’s # 4777 – sugkakopatheo: to suffer hardship together with one
- II Timothy 1:8 be thou partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel
- II Timothy 4:5 endure afflictions
Strong’s # 3804 – pathema: that which one suffers, external or internal
- II Timothy 3:11 afflictions which came unto me at Antioch
- Hebrews 10:32 endured a great fight of afflictions
- I Peter 5:9 knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren
Strong’s # 2616 – katadunasteuo: exercise harsh control over
James 2:6 do not rich men oppress you
Strong’s # 5196 – hubris: insolence, mental injury
II Corinthians 12:10 I take pleasure in reproaches
Strong’s # 3680 – oneidismos: reproach
Hebrews 10:33 made a gazing stock by reproaches
Strong’s # 315 – anagkazo: compel, force
Galatians 6:12 they constrain you to be circumcised
Strong’s # 3893 – parapikraino: provoke, exasperate, rouse to indignation
Hebrews 3:16 some when they heard, provoked
Strong’s # 3863 – parazeloo: provoke to jealousy
I Corinthians 10:22 do we provoke the Lord to jealousy?
Strong’s # 3949 – parorgizo: rouse to wrath
Ephesians 6:4 provoke not children to wrath
Strong’s # 2042 – erethizo: stir up, excite
Colossians 3:21 provoke not children to anger
Strong’s # 2684 – kataskopeo: inspect, view closely, spy out and plot against
Galatians 2:4 came in privily to spy out our liberty
Be a busybody
Strong’s # 4020 – periergazomai: officiously inquire about others affairs
- II Thess. 3:11 working not at all but are busybodies
- I Timothy 5:13 tattlers also and busybodies
- I Peter 4:15 a busybody in other men’s matters
Confrontational Attitudes
Before any confrontational action ever takes place, a confrontational attitude wells up in the heart
Ephesians 4:26 be angry and sin not
- deal with confrontational attitudes before they become confrontational actions
- note the association between anger and murder in Matthew 5:21-22
Strong’s # 3709 – orge: anger, wrath
- Ephesians 4:31 put away anger
- Ephesians 4:26 be angry and sin not
- Colossians 3:8 put off anger
- Titus 1:7 be not soon angry
Strong’s # 2372 – thumos: passion, anger
- Galatians 5:20 work of the flesh
- Ephesians 4:31 put away wrath
- Colossians 3:8 put off wrath
Strong’s # 3950 – parorgismos: indignation, wrath, exasperation
- Ephesians 4:26 let not the sun go down upon
- Ephesians 6:4 provoke not children to
- I Timothy 2:8 lift up holy hand without wrath and doubting
- James 1:19 slow to wrath
- James 1:20 wrath of man works not the righteousness of God
Strong’s # 2372 – thumos: passion, anger
Romans 2:8 do not obey truth, but obey… indignation
Strong’s # 1848 – exoutheneo: to make of no account
- Romans 14:3 him that eat despise not him that eateth not
- I Corinthians 16:11 let no man despise (Timothy)… conduct him forth in peace
Strong’s # 2706 – kataphroneo: despise, disdain, think little or nothing of
- I Corinthians 11:22 despise ye the church of God
- I Timothy 4:12 let no man despise thy youth
- I Timothy 6:2 (servants) are not to despise their masters
- II Peter 2:10 despise government
Strong’s # 4065 – periphroneo: examine on all sides, set above, despise
Titus 2:15 let no man despise thee
Strong’s # 114 – atheteo: do away with, make void, frustrate
Jude 1:8 despise dominion
Strong’s # 4727 – stenazo: sigh, groan
James 5:9 grudge not one against another
Strong’s # 2549 – kakia: malignity, malice, desire to injure
- I Corinthians 5:8 keep the feast, not with… leaven of malice
- I Corinthians 14:20 in malice be children
- Ephesians 4:31 put away malice
- Colossians 3:8 put off malice
- Titus 3:3 were sometimes… living in malice
- I Peter 2:1 laying aside all malice
Strong’s # 5355 – phthonos: envy
- Romans 1:29 full of envy
- Galatians 5:21 work of the flesh
- Galatians 5:26 envying one another
- Philippians 1:15 some preach Christ of envy
- I Timothy 6:4 questions… whereof cometh envy
- Titus 3:3 sometimes… living… in envy
- James 4:5 spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy
- I Peter 2:1 laying aside
Strong’s # 2205 – zelos: zeal fierceness of indignation, envious and contentious rivalry
- Romans 13:13 walk honestly… not in envying
- I Corinthians 3:3 ye are carnal, for whereas there is among you envying
- I Corinthians 13:4 charity envyeth not
- II Corinthians 12:20 lest there be envyings
- James 3:14 if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not
- James 3:16 where envying and strife is there is confusion and every evil work
Strong’s # 3404 – miseo: hate, detest
- I John 2:9 hateth his brother… in darkness
- I John 2:11 hateth his brother… in darkness
- I John 3:15 hateth his brother… a murderer
- I John 4:20 hateth his brother… a liar
Strong’s # 4767 – stugnetos: hatred, detestable
Titus 3:3 sometimes were hateful
Confrontational Activities
Confrontational action is designed to injure the one being confronted.
Galatians 1:13 I persecuted the church and wasted it (Wasted = to destroy, make it waste, ruin)
Strong’s # 4199 – portheo: destroy, overthrow
Galatians 1:13 I persecuted the church and wasted it
Strong’s # 5180 – tupto: strike, beat, smite causing a wound
I Corinthians 8:12 wound their weak conscience
Strong’s # 1143 – dakno: bite with the teeth, lacerate, wound the soul
Galatians 5:15 if ye bite and devour one another
Strong’s #2719 – katesthio: consume by eating
- II Corinthians 11:20 if a man devour you
- Galatians 5:15 if ye bite and devour one another
Strong’s # 4131 – plektes: ready for a blow, quarrelsome
- I Timothy 3:3 no striker
- Titus 1:7 no striker
Strong’s # 269 – amachos: abstaining from fighting
I Timothy 3:3 not a brawler
Strong’s # 591 – apodidomi: pay off a debt
- I Thess. 5:15 see that not render evil for evil
- Romans 12:17 recompense to no man evil for evil
- Romans 12:1 avenge not yourselves
- I Peter 3:9 not rendering evil for evil
Strong’s # 405 – andrapodistes: slave dealer
I Timothy 1:10 menstealers
Strong’s # 5407 – phoneuo: kill, murder
- Romans 13:9 thou shalt not kill
- James 2:11 thou shalt not kill
- James 4:2 thou shalt not kill
Strong’s # 5408 – phonos: murder
Romans 1:29 full of envy, murder, etc.
Strife and Division
An antagonistic demeanor
Some people take delight in being argumentative. They would rather argue than do anything else.
- I Corinthians 3:3 it is evidence of carnality
- II Timothy 2:24 but this is something the servant of the Lord is not supposed to do
Contending (as for the faith) is an exercise of standing upon the truth with the goal of helping others come together in the truth. Striving is an exercise of argumentativeness designed to divide and prevent understanding of the truth.
Be against
Strong’s # 2596 – kata
- I Corinthians 4:6 puffed up for one against another
- I Timothy 5:19 against an elder receive not an accusation
- James 5:9 grudge not one against another
- I Peter 2:12 they speak against you as evil doers
Strong’s # 4314 – pros
- I Corinthians 6:1 having a matter against another
- Colossians 3:13 if any man have a quarrel against any
- Colossians 3:19 be not bitter against wives
Strong’s # 1519 – eis
I Corinthians 8:12 when ye sin so against the brethren
Strong’s # 2054 – eris: contention, strife
Galatians 5:20 work of the flesh
Strong’s # 2054 – eris
- Romans 13:13 walk honestly, not in strife and envying
- I Corinthians 3:3 ye are yet carnal, for whereas there is among you… strife
- II Corinthians 12:20 lest there be… strifes
- Philippians 1:15 some preach Christ even of… strife
- Philippians 2:3 let nothing be done through strife
- I Timothy 6:4 doting about strifes of words
- James 3:14 if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts
- James 3:16 where envying and strife is there is confusion and every evil work
Strong’s # 3054 – logomacheo: contend about words
II Timothy 2:14 strive not about words to no profit
Strong’s # 3163 – mache: fighting, striving
- II Timothy 2:23 questions… knowing that they do gender strifes
- II Timothy 2:24 the servant of the Lord must not strive
- Titus 3:9 strivings about the law
Strong’s # 2052 – eritheia: electioneering, factiousness
Philippians 1:16 the one preach Christ of contention
Strong’s # 73 – agon: contest
I Thess. 2:2 bold to speak the gospel with much contention
Strong’s # 3163 – mache: fighting, striving
- II Corinthians 7:5 without were fightings, within were fears
- James 4:1 from whence cometh fightings among you
Strong’s # 4171 – polemos: war, dispute, quarrel
James 4:1 from whence cometh wars among you
The goal of an antagonistic demeanor
- I Corinthians 3:3 strifes and divisions go together in carnality
- Proverbs 6:19 sowing discord among the brethren is one of the seven things God hates
Strong’s # 1370 – dichostasia: dissension, division
Galatians 5:20 work of the flesh
Strong’s # 1370 – dichostasia
- Romans 16:17 mark them which cause divisions
- I Corinthians 3:3 ye are yet carnal, for whereas there is among you… divisions
Strong’s # 4978 – schisma: division, dissension
- I Corinthians 1:10 that there be no divisions among you
- I Corinthians 11:18 I hear that there be divisions among you
Strong’s # 4978 – schisma
I Corinthians 12:25 that there should be no schism in the body
Receive not
Strong’s # 1926 – epidechomai: receive, hospitality
III John 1:10 neither doth he himself receive the brethren
Strong’s # 2967 – koluo: hinder, prevent
III John 1:10 and forbiddeth them that would
Cast out
Strong’s # 1544 – ekballo: cast out
III John 1:10 and casteth them out of the church
Hypocrisy = pretending in real life like an actor pretends in a theatre. The goal of hypocrisy is to deceive with ulterior motives of personal advantage at the expense of those who are fooled.
Ephesians 6:6 eyeservice = working hard only when the boss is watching so that he will think well of you even though it is undeserved.
Strong’s # 5272 – hupokrises: hypocrisy, acting
- I Timothy 4:2 speaking lies in hypocrisy
- I Peter 2:1 laying aside
Strong’s # 1818 – exapatao: deceive
- Romans 16:18 by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple
- II Thess. 2:3 let no man deceive you by any means
Strong’s # 4106 – phane: wandering about, mental straying, error
- II John 1:7 many deceivers entered into the world
- I John 3:7 let no man deceive you
Strong’s # 538 – apatao: cheat
Ephesians 5:6 let no man deceive you with vain words
Strong’s # 4942 – sunupokrinomai: act hypocritically
Galatians 2:13 the other Jews dissembled like wise
Strong’s # 5272 – hupokrisis: hypocrisy, acting
- Galatians 2:13 Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation
- Romans 12:9 let love be without dissimulation
Strong’s # 3787 – ophthalmodouleia: performed only under master’s eyes
- Ephesians 6:6 not with eye service as men pleasers
- Colossians 2:22 not with eye service as men pleasers
Strong’s # 4105 – phanoo: lead astray
I John 2:26 them that seduce
Strong’s # 1114 – goes: wailer, howler, imposter
II Timothy 3:13 evil men and seducers
Strong’s # 940 – baskaino: charm, feigning praise, or an evil eye
Galatians 3:1 who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth
Strong’s # 650 – apostereo: defraud, rob, despoil
- I Corinthians 6:8 ye do wrong and defraud and that your brethren
- I Corinthians 7:5 defraud ye not one the other
Strong’s # 4122 – pleonekteo: take advantage of another
I Thessalonians 4:6 no man go beyond and defraud his brother
Sleight of men
Strong’s # 2940 – kubeia: dice playing, thus cheating
Ephesians 4:14 carried about… by every sleight of men
Strong’s # 3884 – paralogizomai: miscount, cheat by false reckoning
Colossians 2:4 lest any man beguile you with enticing words
Strong’s # 2603 – katabrabeuo: defraud of the prize or victory
Colossians 2:18 let no man beguile you of your reward
Lie in wait
Strong’s # 3180 – methodeia: cunning arts, trickery
Ephesians 4:14 whereby they lie in wait to deceive
Crept in unawares
Strong’s # 3928 – parerchomai: pass by, avert
Jude 1:4 certain men crept in unawares… ungodly men
Bring in privily
Strong’s # 3922 – pareiserchomai: come in secretly
- Galatians 2:4 came in privily to spy out our liberty
- II Peter 2:1 who privily shall bring in damnable heresies
Strong’s # 3834 – panourgia: specious or false wisdom, cunning
- II Corinthians 4:2 renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness
- Ephesians 4:14 cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive
There is a tendency to attach oneself to particular individuals either to:
- Give them a disproportionate amount of credit for being more important than they really are.
Or, set them up so that you can take advantage of them, or gain an advantage over them.
- James 2:9 if ye have respect of persons ye commit sin
- Jude 16 having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage
Glorying in men
Strong’s # 2744 – kauchaomai: glory on account of a thing
I Corinthians 3:21 let no man glory in men
Think of men above what is written
Strong’s # 5228 + 5426 – huper + phroneo: have an opinion above and beyond
I Corinthians 4:6 learn in us not to think of men above that which is written
Respect of persons
Strong’s # 4382 – prosopolepsia: partiality
- James 2:1 have not the faith… with respect of persons
- James 2:9 if ye have respect to persons ye commit sin
Preferring one before another
Strong’s # 4299 – prokrima: prejudgment, opinion formed without facts
I Timothy 5:21 observe these things without preferring one before another
Strong’s # 4346 – prosklisis: partiality, joining the party of one
I Timothy 5:21 doing nothing by partiality
Strong’s # 87 – adiakritos: without ambiguity, without partiality
James 3:17 wisdom that is from above is… without partiality
Loyalties to men
- I Corinthians 1:12 I am of…
- I Corinthians 3:4 I am of…
Please men
Strong’s # 700 – aresko: strive to please, accommodate self to the opinions of others
Galatians 1:10 do I seek to please men?
Strong’s # 3049 – logizomai: take into account
II Corinthians 12:6 lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be
Strong’s # 441 – anthropareskos: studying to please men
- Ephesians 6:6 not as menpleasers
- Colossians 3:22 not as menpleasers
Unrighteous Union
This is a self destructive activity. By associating with the wrong people, one’s own values and convictions are persuaded to change.
- I Corinthians 15:33 evil communications corrupt good manners
- I Corinthians 5:2 the sinner should be taken away from among you
- II Corinthians 6:14 be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers
- I Timothy 5:12 neither be partaker of other men’s sins
As believers we are to make every possible effort to live at peace.
Romans 12:18 if it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men
Of course, this is to be done without compromising our integrity before God.
Within the body of Christ, we are to treat each other like family.
II Timothy 5:1-2 older men as fathers; younger men as brothers; older women as mothers; younger women as sisters
The ability to do so is the result of a healthy relationship with God.
I Thess. 4:9 as touching brotherly love, ye are taught of God to love one another
Part 12: Missing the Mark on Charity
Charity = agape
In pre-biblical Greek the noun agape is used very seldom. The verb form was colorless and weak in intensity.
God chose this relatively obscure word for Himself
- John 3:16 God so loved the world that he gave
- Galatians 2:20 the son of God… loved me and gave himself for me
- Ephesians 5:2 Christ… loved us, and hath given himself for us
And transferred it to the Christian
I John 4:11 Beloved (agapetoi) if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another
Charity is, therefore, a sacrificial concern for the welfare of other, whether spiritual or otherwise. To miss the mark on Charity is to fail to be concerned for others because we are looking out for ourselves instead.
II Timothy 3:2 for men shall be lovers (philo) of their own selves
This involves two things:
- What I think of myself.
- What I think of myself in relationship to others.
A Man’s Opinion of Himself
Showing oneself to be above others
- Romans 1:3 note the context = ungodliness
- II Timothy 3:2 note the context = empty religion
- I Timothy 3:6 pride lifts up to artificial heights
- Romans 12:3 think more highly of himself than he ought to think
- Galatians 6:3 if a man think himself to be something
Pride also involves man’s opinion of himself in comparison to others.
selfwilled = exorbitant claims for oneself, arrogance, obstinateness
- Titus 1:7 not self willed
- II Peter 2:10 walk in the flesh, presumptuous
swellings = puffing up one’s soul, elevation
II Corinthians 12:20 lest there be swellings
exalted above measure = element of contempt
II Corinthians 12:7 lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of revelations
A Man’s Actions Based Upon His Opinion of Himself
Look at me.
puffed up = gesture, body language
- I Corinthians 4:6 puffed up for one against another
- I Corinthians 4:18 some are puffed up
- I Corinthians 4:19 not the speech of them which are puffed up but the power
- I Corinthians 5:2 ye are puffed up
- Colossians 2:18 vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind
I am good.
boasting = empty pretending
glorying = that of which one boasts- Romans 1:30 note the context = ungodliness
- II Timothy 3:2 note the context = empty religion
- Romans 4:16 boasting is evil
- I Corinthians 5:6 glorying is not good
- II Corinthians 5:12 glory in appearance
- II Corinthians 11:18 glory in the flesh
I am great.
emulations = an excitement or enthusiasm for self
Galatians 5:20 a work of the flesh
I am better.
commending = approve by comparison
- II Corinthians 10:12 comparing themselves… commending themselves
- II Corinthians 10:18
- Luke 18:11 I am not as other men are
I am first.
preeminence = desire to be first
III John 9 who loveth to have the preeminence among them
I know best.
conceits = a vain conception of one’s own value
- Romans 11:25 lest ye be wise in your own conceits
- Romans 12:16 wise in your own conceits
- Romans 1:22 professing themselves to be wise
I am in charge.
reigning = to be king, exercise the highest influence control
I Corinthians 4:8 ye have reigned as kings
I want.
- Romans 15:1 not to please ourselves
- Romans 16:18 serve their own belly
- I Corinthians 10:24 let no man seek his own
- I Corinthians 10:33 not seeking mine won profit
- II Corinthians 5:15 should not henceforth live unto themselves
- Philippians 2:4 look not every man on his own things
Out of my way.
heady = rash, violent
II Timothy 3:4 note the context = empty religion
I Corinthians 13 – Charity… vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, seeketh not her own
Humanitarianism seeks attention for self – “Look what I have done. Haven’t I done good?”
Matthew 6:1-4 do not your alms before men, to be seen of them
Charity takes all the attention off of self and places it on others with a genuine concern for their welfare.
- I Corinthians 13:4 kind
- I Thess. 3:6 good remembrance of us
- II Thess. 1:3 charity toward each other
- III John 2-6 hospitality
Part 13: The Consequences of Sin
Consequences = something produced by a cause ( as in cause and effect); something that necessarily follows from a set of conditions. For example: what happens if you touch fire?
Sin = something that produces consequences. The consequences of sin are the things that follow sin. There are consequences for sin to unbelievers. There are consequences for sin to believers.
The Consequences of Sin for Unbelievers
In this life on earth
They are disconnected from God.
- Ephesians 2:12 having no hope and without God in the world
- Colossians 1:21 alienated and enemies
- Ephesians 4:18 alienated from the life of God
- I Corinthians 2:14 unable to receive the things of the Spirit
They are in bondage.
Hebrews 2:15 all their life time subject to bondage
They are locked onto a path of misery
Romans 3:10-19 destruction and misery are in their ways
In their destiny beyond this life.
- Romans 5:12-14 physical
- Ephesians 2:1 spiritual
Judgement – a decision by someone in authority
II Peter 2:9 the Lord reserves the unjust to the day of judgment
Punishment – the execution of the sentence
II Thess. 1:9 punished with everlasting destruction
Destruction – ruin
Philippians 3:19 whose end is destruction
Suffering – the experience, sensation of punishment administered
Jude 7 suffering vengeance of eternal fire
The Consequences of Sin for Believers
Believers have passed from death to life
John 5:24 he that heareth my word and believeth… is passed from death unto life
There is no facing of judgment, punishment, destruction, suffering by those who are in Christ
Romans 8:1 no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus
But while we live on earth and struggle with the sin nature occupying our body there can be consequences.
Galatians 6:8 if we sow to the flesh we will of the flesh reap corruption (physical – human – earthly consequences)
We lose some things.
We can be anesthetized to the benefits of our salvation.
- Galatians 5:2 if ye be circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing
- Galatians 5:4 if ye be justified by the law Christ is become of no effect to you
- Hebrews 4:1 lest any of you should seem to come short of it
- II Peter 1:9 when you forget that you were purged from your old sins you can be blind and not see afar off – spiritual short-sightedness
We can miss out on the blessings God has prepared for us in our life on earth.
- James 1:7 if our faith wavers, we should not think that we will receive anything
- James 4:2 lust and have not, have not because you ask not
- James 4:3 ask and receive not because you ask amiss
We can lose reward in heaven.
I Corinthians 3:15 burned
We can re-enter bondage (not the bondage of a lost estate, but the debilitating bondage of carnality).
- Galatians 4:9 desire to be in bondage to the weak and beggarly elements
- Galatians 5:1 entangled again with the yoke of bondage
- Galatians 6:1 overtaken
- I Timothy 6:9 they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare
- Hebrews 12:1 the sin that dot so easily beset us (surround us)
We might have to deal with the Devil.
- I Timothy 1:20 delivered unto Satan (I Corinthians 5:5 – for the destruction of the flesh)
- I Timothy 3:7 the snare of the devil
- II Timothy 2:26 taken captive by him at his will
We can experience pain.
- I Timothy 6:9-10 foolish and hurtful lusts, pierced with many sorrows
- James 3:16 confusion
- I Peter 2:11 war against the soul
- II Peter 2:8 vex his righteous soul
We can be punished (chastised). Hebrews 12:6ff
Convinced (judged)
James 2:9 respect of persons results in being convinced of the law
II Corinthians 2:6 immorality can warrant sufficient punishment
- I Corinthians 5:5 punishment can result in the destruction of our flesh
- I Corinthians 11:30 weak, sickly, sleep
- James 5:15 if the sick has committed sins
- I John 5:16 there is a sin unto death
- I Corinthians 11:30 many sleep
The Alternatives to the Consequences of Sin
For the Unbeliever
- Hebrews 2:14-15 Jesus delivered us from death
- Hebrews 9:12-14 by his blood
- Hebrew 9:25-28 and delivered us from judgment
For the believer
- I John 2:1 we have an advocate
- I John 1:9 and the promise of continual forgiveness
- I Thess. 4:4 there is the potential of sanctification
- I Thess. 5:23 in our whole spirit, soul, and body
- Romans 8:18-23 we will lose the flesh which houses the sin nature
- I Corinthians 3:15 our worthless behavior is eliminated
The believer’s trouble with sin is confined to our temporary sojourning on earth. When we are absent from the body, we will be present with the Lord. When our bodies are redeemed in the rapture/resurrection event, this corruption shall put on incorruption! I Cor. 15:52-54
The unbeliever’s trouble with sin can be greatly minimized while he sojourns on earth. The wicked can prosper, be wealthy, be successful, be powerful, be healthy, be happy… But when he dies…
Hebrews 2:2 if every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward